Don't know what the old SILVERTIPS will do on a yote but I have taken many, many foxes and hundreds of groundhogs with them along with my fair share of deer back in the 60s-80s and I can tell you they did more than just punch a hole in them.
I just sold all my old 270 brass to a friend.
There were over 150 boxes of 270 brass.
That's over 3000 rounds of which 1200 were the old SILVERTIPS in 130 & 150 grain.
Most of those 1200 were used on groundhogs over the years so I can speak from experence.
Win brought the SILVERTIP line back out a couple of years ago.
I bought some but have not tried any yet to see if they preform the same as the old stuff.
I still have some loaded ammo in 06,270,30-30, and some handloads in 307.
My hunting buddy is working on a deal with a man who used to have a gunshop and still has a lot of ammo left in storage.
We had a look at it last week.
We found 2 complete skids of factory SILVERTIP ammo and several thousand SILVERTIP bullets, all new in the box.
I am hoping we can get on a deal with him for everything he has.
Like 1 full skid of 22 jet.
About 1/2 skid of 256.
All the old stuff, 30-40,405,32-40,32-20 HV,250-3000 ect,ect.
It all depends on what he wants $ wise.