cabin4, I always thought I would die a violent death, perhaps eaten by a grizzly on some remote mountain top.
I've horsebacked the rochys and traveled to the 4 extreams of Alaska. Drank the Yukons waters,seen the Artic ocean, piloted my own boat through the coastal waterways of southeast Alaska. Camped out for weeks on end, all by myself, in all these places. It's been a fun ride. The great adventure.
Now I don't want my retirement to be any less of and adventure. If I end up dieing in some remote place and the varmits scatter my bones I will count my life well spent.
Say whats your favorite horse? Mine was my Reg. Arabian, Amazon Queen. Best mountain horse I ever owned. You could not tire her out. She outlasted the mules.
I have not spent as much time as I would like in the Rockies, yet. I plan to do more of it while I'm out here living in Cal. There's little question in my mind that we'll end up in Idaho or Montana some day. We may even give it a shot once the economy turns around if it ever does. I’d like to get back into the hunting business in either of those states but for now, I need to work here and that takes up much of my time. It’s not like it use to be when I was living in the mid west and in Pennsylvania. Time seems to be very limited working here in the valley.
Not sure I want my death to be violent or not. If it happens that way, so be it. A good fight with a bear would be a good death. But I would like spend by last years in a place were few people are. If that’s in the high country, that would be best. Who knows. As screwed up as this country is, death could come prematurely for many of us and I'm fine with that.
As far a good horse, I like a Palomino or a Blue Roan bred for the trail.