If you keep your eyes open surplus ammo and clips are still available.
I bought both off the forum last month.
I have seen some in the last couple weeks on gunboard.
Clips alone can be found on the net.
http://www.buymilsurp.com/loading-clip-nazi-marked-qty-1-m9534-steyr-8x56r-carbine-p-5489.htmlGraf's has the new brass now.
I picked up a 100 round bag from them.
Nice clean stuff.
There are numerous molds available for casting your own bullets.
I have a couple Lees that look to be prime suspects.
And of course there are plenty manufactuered bullets out there too.
These are great little rifles.
With a little work they can be great little shooters.
You should buy a couple and try them out.
I bought a nice one for me and couple of the good ones for the boys for this coming Christmas.
edited to add:
Surplus Rifles forum has a link for dissassembly of both the rifle and bolt I beleive.