Author Topic: We will be taken by Tyranny.  (Read 374 times)

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We will be taken by Tyranny.
« on: March 24, 2009, 02:42:08 PM »

I ask you to watch this 4 minute video. Its music & still pictures of our founders with famous quotes from them on the subject of Tyranny. You will be able to correlate to our current times an circumstances.

This country needs to wake up and understand the slow plight of tyranny that is upon us.

If you believe in our country and its founding principles, you may just drop a tear or two while watching this. Does this bring you great alarm?

What are your thoughts?
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: We will be taken by Tyranny.
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2009, 06:16:13 PM »
I am always impressed with the profound quotes of our forefathers! This video was great.
Do not know if you have been to Washington,D.C.,but there is a portion of the sidewalk on Pennsylvania Blvd heading towards the Capitol Building on the lefthand side of the boulevard.
Inscribed in this portion of the sidewalk are famous quotes of our founding forefathers! This is one impressive sight as all of the quotes are the authors own penmanship. Reading these quotes really
reminds one of the intelligence and profound knowledge of what this country was destined to become.
As you mentioned one might also  shed a tear reading these infamous quotes.
There are many thousands of our fellow countrymen lying in cold deep graves both on foreign soils and
here in the soils of their mother country that gave their lives for this country to exist as a free nation.
I hope their ultimate sacrifice was not in vain! But as I look at what is going on in this country I wonder.

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Re: We will be taken by Tyranny.
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2009, 06:36:36 PM »
I have not been back to DC since I was a youngster. I have not seen the quotes your mentioning but I would like to. It’s just too bad that such great things are in the center of disaster that DC has become.

Our children are not being taught real American history in our schools. They have no idea who our founding fathers are or how brilliant they were. They had incredible foresight. When I read about men like Jefferson, Madison, Washington, Adams, etc, and see what these men wrote, I then compare them to the morons that run our country today! What a stark contrast. These men were true masters of their craft and deliberated on ideals and principals that are consistent throughout each ones writings. Our politicians today have no core and they don’t fight for what they believe in, they only fight for the next election.

They were truly brilliant and what we have today is truly disgusting.
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Re: We will be taken by Tyranny.
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2009, 08:50:19 PM »
 can t watch those videos on my old puter.. but america will be taken in tyranny ..unless you an me choose to just not give up our arms..
 might be a harder fight than the first big war.. kinda reminds me of england when hitler thought it was all but over forem..wasn t quite over yet was it.. because of a few men who just would not give up..slim