Yes gallery loads, but far above that with the right bullet selection. My favorite load some years back, was a 240 gr WLN in 357 caliber. I seated it deep over Unique powder, with pressures in the magnum range. Velocity was 1100 fps, and the report was so mild that I could shoot a couple of cylinders full with no ear discomfort. With that same bullet seated out to fill the cylinder, as one would for optimum power with accuracy, there is no way to get the same mild report, even with 800 fps loads.
The reason it works. -- A small charge operating at near max pressures, with the bullet BASE having the maximum distence possible to travel before passing the cylinder gap, allows the lowest possible pressure as the cylinder gap opens. With a gap at around .002, the minimum amount of this gas blasts out, yet enough escapes that when the bullet leaves the muzzle, there is again a minimum of blast. A larger gap allows a massive blast out the cylinder gap, while a very tight gap, doesn't allow enough gas escape to reduce muzzle blast perceptably. By perception, I mean what the shooter hears. - 38 full wadcutters are the closest ammo available that come into this concept to some degree, but pressures are too low for the optimum burning efficiency which puts the power behind the bullet rather into the air. If they are loaded hot enough to make the report die down, they'll be flying supersonic and totally devoid of accuracy, because they don't have a nose that provides a good flight form for super sonic use.
Ponder all that carefully and I believe the full picture will appear in your minds eye.