Author Topic: Sunday March 29, 2009  (Read 881 times)

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Sunday March 29, 2009
« on: March 29, 2009, 04:46:11 AM »
Good morning Montanan, dpe, Southpaw, Forster, MT_Sourdough, Atlaw, pab1, newstart2k, Skunk, kitchawan kid, lurker, CJ, Bilmac,thxmrgarand, Syncerus, Mcwoodduck, Brennemanj83, Old Shooter and TY22!!!

It's 27 degrees and snowing right now.  We had about 4 inches of heavy wet snow yesterday and it all melted and got into ground, hurray. This morining we have about 3 inches of new snow now, more coming, the winds are gusting blowing the snow around. This morning's snow is wet snow. 

Montanan, you like archery books, have you read the book about Ishi, the last wild indian. I read Ishi, The last of his tribe by Theodra Kroeber years ago a and it is very interesting.  Here's a copy for Abebooks for a buck ISHI

Offline pab1

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Re: Sunday March 29, 2009
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2009, 07:23:09 AM »
A lot of us here have the same interests! I picked up a copy of Ishi in Two Worlds a while back at a used book store. I'm always on the lookout for used book stores. I was lucky enough to find a copy of Hell I Was There by Elmer Keith in one a while back.

I got in last night around 11 PM and we were getting a light rain. I was surprised to get up this morning and find 7" of snow on the ground. Good wet stuff too which we could really use around here. At this rate, it might be pushing the end of the season before those bears start cooperating though. 
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Re: Sunday March 29, 2009
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2009, 08:11:58 AM »
I will have to order the book Ishi, heck for a buck, I mean $1.00 you can't go wrong.  See now we are talking bowhunting and I used the word buck  ;D you just know where my mind is.  My wife has even decided now, that she want a bow of her own.  She is not interested in hunting, just archery but that is a good start.

I'll be picking up some Judo heads and small game heads for my arrows.... watch out mr gopher.  I want to get out and get calling in some coyotes and work on giving them the shaft as well.

Offline Skunk

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Re: Sunday March 29, 2009
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2009, 08:18:55 AM »
Good Afternoon Montana!!

Hoping you folks have a great day.

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Offline Mt_Sourdough

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Re: Sunday March 29, 2009
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2009, 09:23:16 AM »
Howdy all,
   It is 33 degrees and wet here in the Missoula Valley.  Hopefully it is pileing-up in the hills.  It can't seem to decide if it wants to snow or rain around here. 
   The bad weather hasn't prevented me from taking my girlfriend's son out to shoot his, new to him, 22.  Yesterday was the first day he has ever fired any fire arm besides a few shots with a BB gun.   It was the first shots with the 22 since we bought it for him. His mom went to the Axman and bought a $25 brick of 22 lr ammo.  I mounted the scope on the rifle and then sighted it in.  The weather really prevented us from shooting for very long, but the young man took a total 7 shots at paper.
   I wanted to make things simple and fun for him, so I kept instruction to a minimum.  Focused on safety with a fire arm, breathing properly and steady squeezing of trigger.  He fired his shots from the prone position with a makeshift rest consisting of a back pack and a small tupperware tub.  My thoughts are, I want him to learn what his and his rifle's potential is while working on accuracy. 
   The rifle is a 1980 Remington Model 582 that we found in a pawn shop about three weeks ago.  The 582 is exactly what I was looking for,  a perfect 22 rifle for a young man to learn with.  I am posting some pics from the day we picked up the rifle, him shooting it yesterday and a pic of his target.  He fired his shots from 50 yards and besides one flyer (I saw him flinch), he put 6 shots into a 1.33 inch group.  Not bad for the first time.  The young man has a very staedy hand and I think some fine potential for a shooter.
   I numbered the holes from one through seven.  The # sign kinda looks like another hole in the pic.
Gotta git'me a bigger ice box

Offline dpe.ahoy

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Re: Sunday March 29, 2009
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2009, 09:24:21 AM »
We had rain when I got up at 5 am and it turned to sleet and then snow.  Kinda stopped now, but still real gray and wet out.  We really need the moisture, but I am so ready for warm weather.  It is a good day for reading.  Everyone have a good day.  DP
RIP Oct 27, 2017

Handi's:22Shot, 22LR, 2-22Mag, 22Hornet, 5-223, 2-357Max, 44 mag, 2-45LC, 7-30 Waters, 7mm-08, 280, 25-06, 30-30, 30-30AI, 444Marlin, 45-70, AND 2-38-55s, 158 Topper 22 Hornet/20ga. combo;  Levers-Marlins:Two 357's, 44 mag, 4-30-30s, RC-Glenfields 36G-30A & XLR, 3-35 Rem, M-375, 2-444P's, 444SS, 308 MX, 338Marlin MXLR, 38-55 CB, 45-70 GS, XS7 22-250 and 7mm08;  BLR's:7mm08, 358Win;  Rossi: 3-357mag, 44mag, 2-454 Casull; Winchesters: 7-30 Waters, 45Colt Trapper; Bolt actions, too many;  22's, way too many.  Who says it's an addiction?

Offline Skunk

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Re: Sunday March 29, 2009
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2009, 09:45:46 AM »

Looks like You and your Gal made that youngster one happy fellow. Good on you folks for getting him a nice .22 as a present for his first rifle. He'll remember that day with pure joy for the rest of his life. I love happy stories like his. Give him a big congrats from the gang on Graybeard Outdoors. Big congrats to you too for getting him started in our great sport.

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Re: Sunday March 29, 2009
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2009, 11:30:59 AM »
     Thank you, Skunk.  ;)  I think the young man is quite proud. ;D ;D ;D
    I have to make some corrections though.  Apparently I can not count well, nor can I read a tape measure well.  The young man fired the rifle six times, not seven.  The grouping of the FIVE shots actually measures closer to 1.2 instead of 1.33. 
   These young people are confronted with a lot of bad influences these days.  The wrong attitudes regarding firearms and other weapons.  They are having to deal with the, so called, gang pressures.  Its not always easy, but show them the right way early on and enforce it and its values and I think they will be all right.
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Re: Sunday March 29, 2009
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2009, 12:47:14 PM »
The young man looks pretty proud.  About the only way I can get my kids away from the TV or computer games is to take them shooting, camping or fishing.  Thank goodness they still want to do this!  DP
RIP Oct 27, 2017

Handi's:22Shot, 22LR, 2-22Mag, 22Hornet, 5-223, 2-357Max, 44 mag, 2-45LC, 7-30 Waters, 7mm-08, 280, 25-06, 30-30, 30-30AI, 444Marlin, 45-70, AND 2-38-55s, 158 Topper 22 Hornet/20ga. combo;  Levers-Marlins:Two 357's, 44 mag, 4-30-30s, RC-Glenfields 36G-30A & XLR, 3-35 Rem, M-375, 2-444P's, 444SS, 308 MX, 338Marlin MXLR, 38-55 CB, 45-70 GS, XS7 22-250 and 7mm08;  BLR's:7mm08, 358Win;  Rossi: 3-357mag, 44mag, 2-454 Casull; Winchesters: 7-30 Waters, 45Colt Trapper; Bolt actions, too many;  22's, way too many.  Who says it's an addiction?

Offline Double D

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Re: Sunday March 29, 2009
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2009, 01:11:55 PM »
Let's see first time shooter, Remington 582,   1 1/4 group at 50 yards...humm, sounds like a pretty good start to me.

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Re: Sunday March 29, 2009
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2009, 02:10:54 PM »
I was asked about why I call myself the bicycle hunter.  Well..., for those 15 years that I was not shooting, I spent most of my time riding bicycles, Mountain and road.  Then two years ago I got back into hunting.  Last year I moved to Missoula and found that there are a lot of areas that I can gain access to with my bike where automobiles and ATVs cant go.  For example,  I can load up my bike and leave from my house here in Missoula and head up into the motorless Rattlesnake Recretion Area.  Then after about 10 miles, or something like that, I enter into the Rattlesnake Wilderness area via a legal trail corridor deep into the heart of the wilderness.  Then I park the bike and go at it on foot.  There are other areas around here where I can access with a bicycle that gets me away from the motor crowd but takes about 1/4 the time to travel then on foot.  Plus, I can use the bicycle to bring the animal out.  I can drape a deer over the bike or half an elk.  Though, I have yet to bring a critter out on a bike, I know people who have and I have watched others do it and it can be done successfully.  There is a company here in Missoula that makes and sells scabards specifically for bicycles and can be used to carry a bow or a rifle.  My bicycle hunting needs some more refinement, but it is a great way to go.  Here is an adress to the site that sells the scabbards.
Gotta git'me a bigger ice box

Offline pab1

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Re: Sunday March 29, 2009
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2009, 07:15:13 PM »
I use bikes to access remote hunting areas also. They can really save a lot of time getting into an area rather than hiking in. Congrats to your son on his new rifle and his shooting. I got my son a Henry Mini-Bolt in .22lr when he was five. Every now and then we have shooting contests and he has beat me several times. I could not be happier than when I lose to him!
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Offline Skunk

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Re: Sunday March 29, 2009
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2009, 06:07:35 AM »
I got my son a Henry Mini-Bolt in .22lr when he was five.

By golly Pab, you are one of those good dads too.

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Re: Sunday March 29, 2009
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2009, 08:52:32 AM »
Hey ya'll  Dry and breezy down here, cool if ya call 75 cool.

Mt Sourdough that looks like a happy kiddo you done yourself proud. good to know folk take the time with the youguns these days! I PM'd you about the bike hunter thing, wanted to poke a little fun about how may you had bagged. I should ride a bike to go hunting but I'm lazy in my old age! course I was lazy in my young age too!

Y'all have a great week and stay warm fellas!
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