Author Topic: sets and baits for cats  (Read 418 times)

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Offline woodsdweller

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sets and baits for cats
« on: September 07, 2003, 03:38:16 AM »
i have trapped a lot of fox and yotes and was looking to head up in the mountain a little further where i saw some cats while i was deer hunting last year. i was looking for someone with some background catching cats and could use some tips. sets, baits, attratcants, lures etc. thanks
located in ny love to hunt an shoot all forms of firearms.

Offline lynx/cat-trapper

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sets and baits for cats
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2003, 04:05:52 AM »
Well...all depends on the kind of mountains you have. If you have rim rocks like I do, you can build walk thru cubbies underneath the rims. If snow is an issue make sure you either set the dry overhangs or utilize snares if legal. I ALSO set the tops of the rims. Here is where you'll find your BIG toilet locations. If possible set the wooded bottoms(or brush)...any area that rabbits/birds or rodents may be as they are the major food source for the cats. Many people use dirthole sets such as Asa who has litterally caught hundreds of cats. If targeting cats specifically use as much eye appeal as possible and heavy guiding can be used. The reasoning for a walk thru set is that matter how good the set...a cat just doesnt "care"
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Offline Wackyquacker

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sets and baits for cats
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2003, 04:52:42 AM »
In addition to the sets Lynx mentioned I will suggest what I call a scratch up.  For this set I place bait under a pile of debris, as if another cat has "buried"  it's catch.  By scratching up the area to make the pile eye appeal is obtained.  It is very easy to block approaches using this technique and guide the cats to the trap.  Routinely, I make the set under a tree with low branches; the trunk and branches begin the blocking and provide weather protection.  I lure to the side of the trap and sometimes squirt a bit of urine to the other side.  A small feather, cotton tuft or the like can be added under / in the pile behind the trap to further entice the cat onto the pan.  

A variation using a smaller pile, gland lure and scat makes an effective toilet set.  

Hanging flags (bleached rib bones or feathers) are good attention getters and can help get the cats in from a distance.  Small feathers or tufts of "fluffy" stuff that will more a bit with a whisper of air movement just behind the trap will often get Mr. Curious's attention and therefore his foot on the pan.  Like Lynx said "If targeting cats specifically use as much eye appeal as possible and heavy guiding".  One word of caution visuals will also attract man.

Offline WhiteMtnCur

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sets and baits for cats
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2003, 08:44:41 AM »
I agree with what's been said above. The dirthole set is an effective cat set, but keep in mind conditions that are dealt with. Asa has a very sandy substrate to trap in which lends itself well to digging a dirthole. In most mountainous country, digging a dirthole would be very difficult. I would only dig one if the ground was soft and a deep dirthole could be achieved, if not, there are some other, very good cat sets.

The walk-thru set probably accounts for the majority of the cats taken by big number cat trappers every season. It's effective and simple.

I personally don't like cubby sets because some cats won't work them. And you completely eliminate the chance of catching coyotes. Most of my sets for cats are well guided, and don't catch coyotes the first time through. The coyote (barring transients) will remember the set and check it out again later. My cat sets remain in place all season and often I will catch the greater percentage of the coyotes that work my cat sets through the course of the season as they will eventually build up the courage to work the heavily guided set to investigate the intriguing odors. If you have a lot of snow to deal with, and don't mind missing the coyotes, than a cubby set is a good option.

The scratch-up set Wackyquacker mentioned is a very good set that I utilize a lot. Scrape up a pile of pine needle or sage duff, stick a couple cat droppings, real cat urine and gland lure on it, bed trap and go. This is very effective on cats, and also takes a lot of coyotes.

I do a lot of preseason work, and will often make my scratch-up sets preseason. Adding the droppings and urine (not gland lure) several months before the season opens. Cats will smell this and in many instances will begin utilizing this location as a toilet. It just about guarantees cats when the season opens around.

Squeakers are a very good option to use as attractants, and they have their place. They can greatly add to the appeal of a set, but there are a new host of factors to contend with when utilizing squeakers.

My personal favorite flagging is a feather or bird wing. I've used tinsil, aluminum foil, CD's, cassette tape 'string',  and a myriad of other things, but feathers constantly prove superior. Like Slim Pedersen has said, tease the laziest, fattest house cat you can find with any one of the aforementioned flags and you're unlikely to get much interest. Then do the same with a feather and even the fat old cats will usually show interest. If feathers are legal in your area, than I strongly recommend you use them for your flags. If they're not, fake feathers can be purchased at craft stores. They accomplish the same thing and comply with animal parts laws.

I prefer black feathers over white because the black shows up in snow better, and while to the human eye the white may stand out more (prior to snow) the black is not as easily seen by people and cats can typically detect it just as well.

Hope this helps.