"I'll stand corrected, but probably not change my ways."
Don't misunderstand me, I'm not trying to change any minds nor knocking RCBS (or Dillon). They make good products and it's nice that they stand behind them so well, but everyone should understand it's not for "free."
I just didn't want you - or anyone - to feel guilty about getting replacement parts even due to user mischance, especially since they have that policy in view when they sell their stuff. Maybe I shouldn't call it a marketing ploy, maybe a "plan"?
As your experiece with Ruger and Redding indicate, I too had good customer support the few times I've ever needed it from other makers IF it was a manufactoring problem and not my own fault. Even then I got parts for a reasonable price. Seems reasonable to me. (You know, like when a new car warrentee runs out, parts are still available but not for free!) Only meaning decent support is not limited to things in green or blue boxes as some seem to think.