Yes sir Mikey, you hit it on the nose, practice a lot and hit something when you shoot. Nothing wrong with hardball either 44 man, carry that a lot myself, and I do use 230 gr hollow points as well too (Blackhills), but also have carried hardball many times. Far as winding up in court explaining what ammo you used, if you wind up in court in my state, you did something wrong or questionable in the first this state, in this section of the state, once the prosecutor says it's self defense, it's over, and he follows the Michigan laws to the letter. Won't matter if you use reloads or a Buick to put the perp down. Won't be a civil hearing either anymore. A while back some guy attacked a guy while he was pumping gas here, with the large plastic trash can cover we always see at the gas stations for garbage. The guy turned around and saw the trash can cover in the air and ready to come down on him, he drew his gun VERY smoothly (practice) and put the guy away for good. Case was upset that a family member got killed of course, with nothing but a trash can cover but the prosecutor followed Michigan law to the letter, watched the tapes over and over, and decided this guy thought he was in danger,....that's Michigan law with a prosecutor that follows it. Won't be the same in all places I'm sure. They showed these tapes on TV and the internet, this guy practiced with his gun, and must have practiced drawing a lot as well. The most important part of it all was he hit his target on the first shot while being surprised to boot. I think practice took over because there was no time to think about much. Whatever ammo he used hit the target in the center.
I wish I could afford Gold Dots or something like that, truth is, an occasional box of 230 gr blackhills and lots of good hardball is all I can afford. The prices on all the premium ammo where I'm at is unreal. I do have lots of cast bullets though for 45 colt...would not mind trying that sometime out of a 1911.