Author Topic: Back Fm WI Trappers Rondy at Marshfield WI  (Read 583 times)

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Offline RdFx

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Back Fm WI Trappers Rondy at Marshfield WI
« on: September 07, 2003, 03:28:23 PM »
Well had a good time and had a run on Lenons Muskrat lure everythings sold out and i believe Bog sold all his too.  Trappnman (Steve) was there also and had a brisk business ( Good thing Lori was there to sell as Steve was always wandering off  :)   )   Paul Dobbins was on hand and  was  moving alot of Grizzes and other trapping related equipment.  The Trapperman BBQ went well with everybody coming together and bringing   enormous amount of goodies.  MissWIss  alias Nancy Haefer  fm brought   four diff kinds of sausage; Bobcat, cougar, yote and elk.  It all disappeared and  many  surprised trappers LOL :shock: .   I want to thank Steve fm Michigan   for being the chief cook and all the other people that helped prepare and cook food to make this a successful outing.  We passed the hat  after BBQ and collected moneyh that was split between WI  Trappers assoc, NTA, and Future young wis trappers.

Offline Wackyquacker

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Back Fm WI Trappers Rondy at Marshfield WI
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2003, 03:44:53 PM »
I wondered where you got to...thought you twas either mad (but we all know your mad),  got lost when you where hide in  from some one else or the wind took your hat and you was out chasin after it.   I notice that you was not handy when ole Boggy needed help.  Next thing we'll hear is that you were puttin the convention on. :lol:

My granny always told me if I was gonna say somethin about some one it was spose to be nice...let me think ...don't rush me none...oh yeh I got it ; Rdfx sells good muskrat lure...that's the ticket :-D  :-D

Offline RdFx

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Lenons muskrat lure
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2003, 01:45:27 AM »
Lenons muskrat lure is made by Asa Lenon , Herb Lenons' son and it is  a top muskrat AND COON lure.   Anyone needing any can pick it up from myself or Tom Olsen aka Bog.   Asa if your reading this  hope you have a good supply ready to go as i think you are going to be overrun!!!.    Yep i was running AT the rondy trying to keep Trappnman from sneaking up behind me.  Heck without his beagle holding on to my leg  Steve didnt have a chance :grin: !  Now to go back to work and rest and recuperate!!.  The fall tonic water Paul Dobbins brought put the spark in many a man and woman trapper and  traps are sure nuff being boiled, dyed and adjusted right as i type :wink: .

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Back Fm WI Trappers Rondy at Marshfield WI
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2003, 02:43:10 AM »
Glad to hear you had a great convention and brisk sales of lures.  The Muskrat Super All Call has always been a top seller for muskrat and coon.  Back in the 70's when muskrat were selling for $10.00 each, I really had a hard time keeping up with materials to make enough of that lure.  There were dealers in areas of large muskrat populations, like the Northwestern Fur Exchange along Lake Erie that would order 300 dozen bottles at a time.  The success of this lure lies in a stroke of luck in discovering a TOP SECRET ingredient that drives muskrat and coon crazy. Back when I was a kid my Dad was forever experimenting with animals, looking for new ideas about lures.  One day he picked up a mother muskrat and four babies, brought them home and put each one in a seperate big oak barrel with newspaper in the bottom.  Each rat immediately made regular perfect rat houses out of the newspaper and went inside.  Dad and myself tried to feed them but everything was rejected.  One could throw their so-called favorite food into the barrel and they would just stick the tip of their nose out of the paper house for a second and pull back in.  This went on for days while they rejected everything we tried.  Dad was just about to release them before they starved to death when a miracle happened.  Everytime I passed the barrels and was eating something, I would throw in a piece.  This time I threw in a piece of something and when it hit the bottom the rat dashed out and devoured it.  I could hardly believe my eyes so I tried it in the other 4 barrels and every rat dashed out to devour it.  I raced to tell Dad, who was skeptical until he seen it with his own eyes.  The piece of something consisted of many ingredients so Dad embarked on isolating the one that elicited such a fantastic response.  Each isolated ingredient was tried individualy on the rats.  Each ingredient was rejected until BINGO, the right one was devoured the instant it hit the bottom of all five barrels.  There is nothing rare or exoctic (no dodo bird bills or eye teeth Wacky) about this ingredient but it is very unusual and one could guess for a lifetime and probably never get it. I have had numerous guessing over the years but never was it even close.  Anyway, it wasn't long and testimonials started pouring in about what a great coon lure this is too.  That was over 50 years ago and those testimonials are still pouring in on a regular basis.  Like a lot of trappers, I used to believe that any lure would suffice to attract coon.  This may be true but the coon trappers just don't know how many coon are passing their sets and how many they could actually harvest if they were using an exceptional lure.  It was the trappers themselves that convinced me of that through thousands of positive testimonials and pictures.

Ace :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

Offline Edge

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Back Fm WI Trappers Rondy at Marshfield WI
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2003, 08:42:58 AM »
I know I've stated my elation with that lure,it should be available in a one-pound tub.If I remember correctly,it was the only lure I had with me on the river(not planned)and ended up with 5 species in one check.....good stuff.


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Back Fm WI Trappers Rondy at Marshfield WI
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2003, 10:21:49 AM »
:-) Edge:  I do have customers who use the Muskrat lure for mink and fox too.  Ace