Good morning Montanan, dpe, Southpaw, Forster, MT_Sourdough, Atlaw, pab1, newstart2k, Skunk, kitchawan kid, lurker, CJ, Bilmac,thxmrgarand, Syncerus, Mcwoodduck, Brennemanj83, Old Shooter and TY22.
Well the forecast say the high today is going to be 29 degrees and it's already 30. The forecast also said snow today and when I let the dogs out I saw "A" snow flake. Looking at teh sky it's overcast and it looks like it could snow...we'll see.
Had a busy day yesterday. Climbed the ladder and put up the electrical connection for my lathe. That one simple little project has been a major obstacle in this bad knee thing. It felt so good to get this little job done Went through the lumber rack in the garage and attic and found some lumber for the loading bench. Did a short tour of the scrap yard, didn't see any thing exciting. Went grocery shopping with the wife. Went to the lumber yard and picked up a couple 4" x 4"'s for the loading bench. When I got home, I cut all the lumber to length for the bench. I will need to run up to Southpaws and notch the legs for the bench on his table saw. Then southpaw dropped by and we brainstormed some on his bowling ball mortar. He also brought over the wheels he picked up at an auction, for his next cannon.
My knee did well, it's a little sore and more tired. That's alot better than being more sore and a little tired like before surgery.
Physical therapy this morning. My last physical therapy is Monday. Let me give this advice. If you have to have knee replacment surgery take your pain pills and go to physical therapy. Put effort in your therapy. If you were to visit with me now you would never know I had total knee replacment surgery 8 weeks ago...well maybe from the whining you might...but beyond that you wouldn't know. Even with the minor swelling and pain I still have, my quality of life is 95% better than it was before the surgery.