Well, Lou Dobbs is in one of those video's, so it's not just a Fox thing. And here is my .02, for what it's worth. These news personality's, at least some of them, seen this coming along time ago. Sean Hannity was on the old Mike Douglas show over 20 years ago, preaching conservatism, and small govt.
I think the main reason your seeing more of it now, it's not in the shadow's. 20 years ago, anybody in the John Birch Society was considered a nut case. Who was that senator in the '50's, that carried out all the trials for entertainers that accused them of being commies. If that man was still alive today, he'ld probably want an allout military assault on Hollywood, or Washington,D.C. After the trials, he was considered a nut case.
It's alot easier to convence the middle of the road people, as to what's happening, when you can show them the proof. Not just an opinion, or theory as to what you think, is what's happening. gypsyman