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Offline markc

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This weekend
« on: September 08, 2003, 02:59:16 AM »
Heading to Rocky Top this coming Friday.  This will be my wife's first trip there and I hope to help her bag a nice ram.  I will likely take my Contender and try for a 3rd ram with the TC.   Now that my wife has bought a digital camera I hope to be able to post some pics  when we return.

Offline DesertRam

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This weekend
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2003, 03:11:41 AM »
Mark, good luck to you and your wife.  Can't wait to see the pics.

Offline denvas

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This weekend
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2003, 04:18:18 PM »

Sounds like you and your wife are in for a good time this weekend. Be sure and post some pics for us to look at.

Just returned from my first youth hunt of the fall. Had 25 youngsters out to the Medina/Bandera area for rams and does. Weather was great, nice and cool.

May the wind always blow in your face and the sun always shine over your shoulder. Then your prey will be unable to smell you and unable to see you until after they hear the crack of your shot!

Online Graybeard

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This weekend
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2003, 04:40:25 PM »
Mark, good luck to you and Teresa. Hope she isn't as nervous as Faye was on her first ram. Wish I'd had a movie camera for that.  :-D  Looking forward to the photos. We'll get some posted for sure.


Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline markc

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Getting excited
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2003, 03:21:24 AM »
My hunting partner Hal caled Thompson yesterday and asked about the cowboy cabin.  IN the past it was in poor condition,  but it has apparently been restored and repaired and has become the preferred spot to stay while at the ranch.  If we get there early enough Friday we may take a hike to the gazebo that is sitting on the edge of the first BIG hill behind Thompsons house.  What a view it is from there.  Hope to find her a nice ram, and hopefully a new zealand billie or something for me.  Will likely hunt with my TC, and take the .444P for walking the back canyon on Sat evening if I get a chance to.  Might find a aoudad since they have been seen frequently now at the fence.  The neighboring ranch has some semi tame female aoudads and Thompsons elusive rams have been coming out in the open a bit now he says.  Might get lucky there.

Will post some pics early next week if we can get it all figured out.

Offline Tom

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« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2003, 06:26:28 AM »
Man that sounds good.   Good luck on the Aoudad.   I just got the new edition of Records of Exotics in the mail yesterday.   I was there last March with some people in a group.   One guy from the group got the current handgun number 7 Texas Dall on the $180 hunt there.   That would be awesome if you ran into something like that on the hunt this weekend.   Good luck to your wife and to you!

Offline markc

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« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2003, 03:34:56 AM »
Tom, he got that handgun Dahl on the discount hunt?  Oh man, I wonder where on the ranch he was.  If possible, I will try to get in the back canyon Sat afternoon and hunt, if my wife has already tagged a sheep.  She doesn't know what she wants.  I would like to see her get a nice blond or white dahl.   If I shoot anything that looks good, I will have Thompson score it for me.  

Offline Tom

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« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2003, 11:47:14 AM »
Yes, he got it on the $180 hunt.   It was fighting with a Haw. black and he snuck up on them.   The TX dall won, but had a cut up nose after the butting episode.   When he walked away, after fightint the other ram, he then got shot.   Bad day for him, eh.  I think he was over the hill to the left when you come in the gate by the A-frame, but who knows if the big one there this weekend would like the same area or not?

I guess your wife will pick one when she sees them.   I think women pick them for different reasons than men.   They seem to want them to look nice as in good color, good hair, nice horns, symmetric, stuff like that.  Men basically want them big, maybe a big beard, if the horns are big!   They seem real patient too.

I hope you both get a good one!

Offline markc

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This weekend
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2003, 12:41:42 PM »
Well, it was a strange weekend at Rocky Top, different than most.  The ranch was very green and a good bit of water was spread across the entire ranch.   We arrived Friday afternoon and there were some folks already hunting.   Teresa and I took a little walk down the lower road that runs near the mountain pasture.  We had walked slowly, just enjoying being on the ranch and talking when down the mountain comes a nice white Tx dahl.  followed by an average corsican, real shaggy coated.  Teresa liked the dahl enough to shoot it,  but we were unarmed, having jsut arrived, and not having talked to Thompson yet.  

Sat morning bright and early Thompson took us up the mountain, very steep, very rough, with Teresa and another lady riding in the cab of the truck and four of us MEN riding in the bed of the truck on the benches.  

It was a bit cold up on top and the wind was blowing.  Out of our group of 6, not a shot was fired Sat morning.  Teresa and I didn't see a thing.  The sheep were spread all over the ranch due to the abundant grass and water.  We spied one large New Zeleand Billie across the canyon near our blind,  but it wasn't anything Teresa was interested in.

Sat afternoon, after a good lunchThompson got tied up with another guy, trying to get his wife her first ram.  It was kinda funny watching them go up and down those steep hill sides.  THe sheep were always a step ahead of the hunters.

As it was getting near 5pm Teresa and I decided to walk the mountain to the first blind and set up for the evening hunt.  We had only gone a couple hundred  yards up past Thompsons house when Teresa spied a large Merino Ram and after looking it over with Binoculars, she decided she wanted it.  (Think she jsut didn't want to climb the steep hill ahead of us).  She broke her almost new single shot .243 in real quick and suprisingly the 200# sheep dropped straight to the ground.  

TO make a long story short her sheep was silver medal and besides the red deer a judge from Mississippi killed, Teresa's sheep was the heaviest animal taken that weekend.

Later Sat just as it was getting late, I managed to take a nice silver medal Billie with a handgun.  He had 30" or better of horn per side but was still a silver medal sheep.  He would not die easily either.  My first shot on him was a bit low I admit and caught the bottom of the heart.  He went a ways up the mountain across from the A-frame cabin and stopped in some thick stuff with lots of cactus all around.  There were two more lesesr looking billies ahead of him and they stopped to look back at him wondering why he wasn't heading up the mountain.  I weaved around as best I could to get ahead of him without getting stuck with too many cactus thorns and had to squat down to find a hole in the brush.  

I fired again hitting him in the left shoulder and down he went.

I was shooting my Taurus .44 mag with some   factory Win 240 gr ammo.   We are trying to figure out how to post some pics. As soon as we do, I will post them for ya'll.

All in all, another great time at Rocky Top.  Wish we could have made it to the back canyon again,  but with the new lady taking up much of Thompsons time on Sat, it just didn't happen.  
There were alot of nice rams killed this weekend.   But the best was the very large Red Deer killed on one of Thompsons other ranches.   Awsome animal.  The same guy killed a really nice black buck on Friday.


Online Graybeard

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This weekend
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2003, 06:51:14 PM »
Mark, you have to have a URL assigned to the photos to post them. E-mail them to me and I'll handle it.


Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline markc

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« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2003, 03:33:48 AM »
Teresa was able to load them onto her new home computer and tried to e-mail them to me, but something didn't work right.  When she gets to work today she is gonna have one of the computer science teachers show her how to do it.  When she sends them to me I will forward them along to you.  Unless they show her how to assign a url and post them on the forum.

Was a nice time there,  but after the third scorpion was found in the cabin, we opted to sleep in the truck the last night there.  LOL

Offline Tom

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« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2003, 12:33:46 PM »
It sounds like a good trip, except for scorpions.  Some people stay in town at the motel because of stuff like that, I think.   I wasn't that far away from there, maybe 50 miles, and I got rained out on sunday.   Two silver animals, whew, pretty good!

Offline markc

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Hey Tom
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2003, 03:20:15 AM »
Thompson said if my bille had heavier horns he would have made gold.  he had good length but not quite enough mass.  I gotta say that out of the rams I have shot with both rifle and handgun, he was the one who simply would not die.    Hopefully my wife will get the pic's e-mailed to GB today so we can get em posted.   It was getting very dark and windy out there right as we were leaving Sunday.  Rained most of the way home on us.  Never had scorpions in the cabin before, must have been the rain getting them moving like that.  They were small, but they scare me anyway.

They sure saw alot of nice whitetail bucks on one of Thompsons other properties, lots of blackbuck too.  The red deer was simply awsome to behold.  I've never seen one up close like that.  May go back next March or so.  There were alot of  rams on the ranch but they were staying down in the valleys, and not on top.  Saw some large aoudad tracks near where we hunted but no aoudad.  Did see some intersting tennis shoe prints on top too.  Thompson said it was likely an illegal alien crossing the ranch again.   One guy said he heard voices down in one of the canyons while he was hunting up on top, but didn't see anyone.  

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This weekend
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2003, 06:41:34 AM »
Here are the pics of Teresa's ram and Mark's goat.


Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Offline markc

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« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2003, 10:34:59 AM »
that is hers.  Wish thoe pic had come uot better, but atleast those showed up.    Nice curl to those horns huh?

Online Graybeard

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This weekend
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2003, 03:53:19 PM »
Yup Mark nice curl on the horns. Dunno what happened on your photos. I think maybe the auto focus just wasn't focused where it needed to be. Either that or the photographer just hasn't learned to use a DC yet. You have to hold them real still until they finish taking the photo which can be much longer than a 35 mm camera. Could have been movement that caused the out of focus look also.

Photos were saved in bitmap format for some reason. That may have been part of the problem too I guess. I converted to the more standard jpg format before assigning them a URL but it didn't improve the image quality.

Teresa is gonna try again on the other photo, I guess of your billie and I'll post it too when I get it.


Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline Tom

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Nice curl.
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2003, 08:46:45 AM »
It is a nice curl, with mass too.   Is she going to make a sheep skin rug or skull mount?

Offline markc

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« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2003, 03:19:24 AM »
she isn't sure yet.  She seemed to be interested in a shoulder type mount, but thought it was too expensive.  I told her that after a taxidermist cleaned it up it would look really nice, and then she wasn't sure.  maybe a european mount, and or have the hide tanned for a rug???  I will finally be picking up that black 4 horn I shot out there over a year ago, this weekend, and I think that once she sees it, she might want to have her sheep shoulder mounted too.  I have both heads and capes in the deep freeze until she decides.    

Thompson really has a good operation there.  I do think that at times he sure could use some help at Rocky Top.  He had some ladies this time who had never hunted and really needed more one on one help which left the rest of us kinda hanging and waiting.  

There is a small high fenced ranch nearby that he told me I should buy and we could work out a deal on fallow deer hunts there.  I sure would if I could find the $.

Offline ScottDuck

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The bunk house
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2003, 03:03:28 AM »
Congrats on the Hunt. Hey, did Thompson really renovate the Bunk House? Does it have running water/shower. I know the trailer had a shower but it was not working. Let me know..... I'm planning another trip there, but I may try to get a motel, of just try another ranch. Thompson is a great guy and all, but come on, throw a few $$ into running water at least.  Even a cold shower is better than no shower.
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Offline markc

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well yes and no.
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2003, 03:12:38 AM »
The Cowboy cabin (old trailer house) does now having running water and flushing toilets,  but still no showers working.  My wife told me that unless we have 10 people next time so that we can stay in the Colorado Cabin, we will be staying in a $36.00 a night hotel in town.  Just glad she had a good time and wants to return.  I love it out there.

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Shower at motel.
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2003, 11:49:50 AM »
I take "baths" out of a bucket a lot when hunting.  There is a motel in Barksdale about 10 miles away, I know.   They will let you take a shower for $4 or you can just stay in a room there.   The ranch, Rocky Top, has one well, it won't put out enough water for everybody to take a shower.    Another well would likely raise the price of the hunts.   I like bucket baths, but wives might like the motel in Barksdale, some rooms have bathtubs, some have showers.

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Hi Tom
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2003, 02:30:29 AM »
Yeah, bucket baths work for me too.  i have taken a few baths at deer camp with the water from the large concrete cistern near the windmill.  COLD water,  but after a few days in deer camp a bath even with freezing cold water feels good.  Don't think the wife was up for a bucket bath though, atleast not with all those other people around.   Didn't know the motel sold baths for $4.00.  Which motel is that?  I think Campwod is down to only one motel now.  I prefer to stay at the ranch myself, adds to the experience I think.

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Barksdale one. I think..
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2003, 09:13:10 AM »
Its right by the river in Barksdale, its a bit closer than Camp Wood.  I don't remember its name, maybe Nueces River Motel?  There's some camp grounds near those two places too, but I haven't been to them, just by them.

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This weekend
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2003, 02:47:44 PM »
Hey Tom, when did you start posting here?

I think you'll find most of these folks a little more friendly that those over at you know where hehehe.

Bucket bath......I've seen the windmill shower. :D It's John.
Hey, hold my beer and watch this.

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Son of a gun.
« Reply #24 on: October 02, 2003, 08:06:02 AM »
Its OkieJohn from OK.   Hold my beer and watch this, whew!    :D

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« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2003, 07:25:49 AM »
It's me, just thought I'd say hello. 8)
Hey, hold my beer and watch this.