Went to Williams gunsight today to pick up my lay-away . A nice little rem model 7 in 7mm-08. Thats a whole nother story. Well I cruised the used handgun counter. They had a Like new special edition Ruger P90 in 45acp. $375. I got it for $345 This is the gun that ive been looking at to replace my Kimber 1911, Long story short I now have 2 in lay-away. I know the kimber,s a great gun, I just never liked it. Williams gunsight offered me $450 for it, So Im thinking I should be able to get $550-$600 for it. So I ll be selling the kimber & getting both guns out of lay-away this week. Whats you,re guys opinion on the P90. Its the steel frame black & green.