Jefferson Davis had more feeling for the black man in his little finger than Lincoln did in his whole body. Davis couldn't walk past a woman beating a small black boy without reacting and taking that same boy into his home as his own, yet Lincoln walked by the Washington slave pit every day of the last 4+ years of his life as President and freed not one person. The Slave owner (some call traitor) wanted to lift the black man up to where he could take care of himself and his family while the GREAT manipulator only wanted to ship them all back to Africa because they were inferior.
AMEN To That !The busiest slave market in North America was only a couple hundred yards away from the White House IN Washington, D.C. (For those not paying attention, that's in THE NORTH !)
If Lincoln felt so much sorrow for blacks, how could he allow this to take place right at his front door, yet criticize Southerners for doing FAR LESS?
I don't believe for one second that Lincoln felt sorrow for the plight of blacks on ANY level. How else could he actually EXCLUDE them from freedom in the Emancipation Proclamation, assuming he even had the authority to free them in the first place? (Which he did not.) Why else would he want to ship them back to Africa, not to their ancestral homes, but to Liberia, a country of his own making, where the U.S. would retain control over them?
The Great Emancipator? The Great Humanitarian?? The Greatest President of all time?
Plllease!!! I don't think so!
To paraphrase something Ga.windbreak posted on another thread, Show me ONE descent thing Lincoln ever did for a single black person. Show me ONE black person that ever benefited from Lincoln being President, One kindness ever shown to a black person, One black he helped to raise up from the pitts of hell that he thought they were in!
Lincoln wouldn't even allow Frederick Douglas in the White House! Douglas was far from ever being in the pitts of hell. Lincoln refused to be bothered by blacks. So where Are all these blacks he emancipated? Where Are all the blacks he was such a great humanitarian toward?
You won't find any of these people. Not one. Because they don't exist! Instead, let me present to you the Four Million + (4,000,000 +) former slaves of the South, that were FORCED into the streets and into a life they were not allowed to be prepared for! They were FORCED into destitution by Abraham Lincoln! An estimated 97% of whom could not read and write their own names, much less walk into a store to make a purchase of any kind! They didn't know how to conduct business. Because the North would not allow for their education and social training, these people were thrust back to LESS than they were in Africa! Were it not for their former masters, and most whites in the South, the vast majority of them would have perished. They had no means of supporting themselves, much less their families. An interesting note to all of this is the fact that slaves being held in the North were, for the most part, not trained in social skills or given a formal education, either. Even though Northern slave holders were afforded a system of gradual emancipation of their slaves, they didn't want them to be educated because they felt the blacks would be in too much competition for jobs in the North. They felt so strongly about this that MOST Northern states actually passed laws Forbidding free blacks to live in their states!
And this was a Preferred law that was present in Illinois, the Land O' Lincoln! He actually voted FOR this law while in the Illinois Senate!