I was not implying that they Obama or Michelle should have bowed to the Queen.
The American President should not bow to anyone. Except to the American people.
The question is since he did not bow to the Queen, why would he bow to the King.
Your right. An American President, Chief Executive, Commander in Chief of all US Forces, should never bow to anyone. I agree. Everyone that died in the Revolutionary War decided that, and it still stands. Americans aren't perfect, but, if they don't start none, there won't be none!!! Americans raise their families, work their jobs, and try to be good folks. One day in 2001 5,000 Americans were killed. And the typical American response, is, and should be, it's on! America has a history of standing it's ground. Right or wrong, IT'S OUR GROUND!!!!,. And yes, if the queen of england or whoever visited......we can go to Trudy's and have a beer, go to Chuck E Cheese and play video games, or hang out and watch movies and order a pizza. And if it gets too late I have room on my couch for you to crash. ........I am an American and like it or not I will always be an American......