On chucks, I would use a body gripping type of trap. I have never trapped for them speceficly, but I think they have a reputation for twisting off like a muskrat does in a foot trap. Snares might be a good option.
Speaking of out of season trapping, When I was a kid, I would live trap a pregnant coon or two early in the year. Take one from the litter to raise, then release her and her kits as soon as they were able to go, usually in the spring. They made great pets, as long as you kept em outside. The males would get aggressive at about 2 years old, so I would just let em go. The females usually stayed friendly. My mom took a shine to one female in particular, and tried making her an inside coon. After raiding the fridge, climbing the drapes, stealing and hiding anything reflective, like coins and jewelery, making a nest inside the new couch, etc., she ended up joing the others in the big pen in the back yard. One summer, a local kid got bit by a rabid skunk, and the DEP came in to rescue us all. They freeked out when they seen my "coon collection", and ordered them turned over to the state (To be destroyed, I'm sure), so I took em all out into the woods, and left them there. The DEP Officer was pretty mad, but what are they going to do to a 13 year old kid?....