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Cartridge recommendations...
« on: April 16, 2009, 08:57:31 PM »
I've got more than I need but not as many as I want.  What would you recommend for a rifle cartridge that would fulfill the following...

0-500 yards
big deer sized down to predators or OCCASIONAL varmint
not a "high volume" shooter
very fast
very accurate
NOT a big kicker

I already have the .308, .30-'06, the 6mm Remington and a .223.
I'm thinking a .25 caliber of somekind, maybe a Weatherby...
What do you think???  Ideas?

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2009, 09:02:45 PM »
6.5 wssm
If I agreed with you then we would both be wrong.

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2009, 01:19:16 AM »
I guess it depends on how serious you are about shooting out to 500 yards. For the longer distances, I'd prefer a 300 magnum in a heavy rifle. But it doesn't sound like that's what you're looking for. I'm guessing you dropped the Weatherby name because you've always wanted one. Entirely understandable. Very important to have the proper vibe and mojo in your precious equipment.

My vote goes to the 257 Weatherby.
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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2009, 04:26:10 AM »
Myself I would take the 270WSM.
It has proved itself by me at that distance and while a little over kill on varmints it will still preform well as will other calibers.
While I am not a big 25 cal fan I do like the 257 Weatherby.
The 240 Weatherby is another I have seen do what you are asking.
Most of the 300s will also get the job done but you asked about light recoil.
Again over kill on small stuff but dead is dead!

In the hands of a good rifleman that knows his equipment and has done considerable practice at those destances the tried and true old standard 270 will do just fine along with the 30-06 you already have.

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2009, 04:48:26 AM »
260 rem

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2009, 09:33:30 AM »
I'm building a 6.5mm-06 which would do very nicely - with 130g Scirocco'sat 3200fps it should be low recoil (~16-18foot-pounds), flat trajectory and 1000fpe out past 800 yards.
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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2009, 11:41:03 AM »
Lot of choices out there, when I run the contenders in my mind I come-up with .257 Weatherby (26-inch barrel), 6.5-06, 6.5 Remington Magnum (24-inch barrel), 270 Winchester (24-inch barrel) 270WSM (24-inch barrel), and the 7MM Remington Magnum (24-inch barrel). 

I quickly dropped the .257 Weatherby because it was the bottom of the energy curve. 
I dropped the 6.5 Remington Magnum because it is hard to find them with 24-inche barrels, and new brass is very pricy.  The case has the same powder capacity of the -06. 

The 6.5-06 is good choice because commercial cases are manufactured, and cases can be made from .270 Win, .280 Rem, and -06.  It has a long neck and heavy bullets do not use up a lot of powder space.

I have killed a lot of deer with the .270 Winchester and most of them have been at short range.  I have never shot at a deer at 500-yards.  I have had the opportunity but felt I was better off getting closer, or passing.  Five hundred yards is not in “my” skill set.

There is a ridge that I hunted forty years ago that to take a buck on it my best bet was to work by way down the ridge to the North and take a long shot.  I used 130-grain bullets at the time.  Today I would use 140-grain bullets in the .270 Win. or the .270WSM.

If I was to return to the ridge or long range location I would take my 7MM Remington Magnum.  I would select the 160-grain Speer Spitzer, or 154-grain Hornady Inter bond.   For long range shooting the 7MM Remington Magnum with 160-grain bullets offer good penetration, flat shooting, and high energy with less recoil then a .300 Magnum.  In tough broken country I have found exit wounds of high value even with a heart-lung shoot because two holes pump more blood then one hole.

How did I come up with my list?  First my brother has or has had the .257 Weatherby, 6.5-06, and the 6.5 Remington Magnum.  I have had a 270 Winchester, and a 7MM Remington Magnum.  There is not a bad one among them for most hunting situations involving deer and antelope.  When large game comes into play I think it favors the 7MM Remington Magnum.
If I was going to buy a new rifle today most likely it would be a 270WSM
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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2009, 03:37:54 AM »
6.5X55 swede in a CZ 550 American

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2009, 04:23:38 AM »
6.5X55 swede in a CZ 550 American

 PLUS 1 or a .280 rem.
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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2009, 08:12:57 AM »
 :D Noguns, For coyotes I have fooled with about all suitable calibers. I like the .25-06 very much, for dogs, have used it on big game, but really I prefer at least a 27 cal. if I am going for deer or anything in that class. If recoil were not a problem there is no doubt what I would pick, it would be a heavy barreled .300. That is my windy day coyote rifle, and long range deer/elk gun. But I really do little if any distance shooting on elk any more. While the .270 WSM was suggested, it seems to be a dandy, I would prefer to move up to a 7mm, I do not keep up on the bullets for a 270, but for years, the number and styles for a 7mm could only be beaten by a 22 cal. or .30 cal. One of my very favorite rifles for long shooting with light recoil is a 7mm Wea. on a 700 Rem. action. ;) I made this one for shooting coyotes in the wind, and other game. With the 700 action, you can use all the powder space in the case. It will kick a 140 grain bullet along at 3500fps pretty easy, and mine with kick out a 160 grain Serria and 3250 fps. One word of advice, if I were making another I would get a Shilen barrel. I have heard he cuts a chamber that will accept fact. ammo, but the freebore is shorter than Wea. std. As for brass, all of mine comes from Remington 7 mag's run though a Wea. die. It is slightly shorter and ready to roll. :) ;) I really think properly made, this is one of the finest calibers around. My first love is still the .30's., but this is a good companion. ;)

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2009, 04:34:12 PM »
You need a 264 win mag. It'll handle deer fine and the odd yote.
Very fast , very accurate, and not a big kicker- 264 for sure
For varmints a 95 v max at 3500 will work. For deer there's many choices, the 130 grain accubond or scirroco sounds like a good place to start for your needs. Or maybe a 120 gr ballistic tip. Good luck and good hunting


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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2009, 04:50:49 AM »
NOT   a big kicker

260    or  25-06
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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2009, 06:28:48 AM »
See... I KNEW better than to ask that question!!!

About the only thing on the list that I hadn't considered was the 7mm Weatherby.  This will be for a long term project.  I've got too many other things going on for at least the next 16 months.  Should move back to US in June of 2010.  Then I can get to putting something together.  I can make plans now though and maybe get some parts ordered.

Hmmm... I THINK I'm looking for about 3500 fps or so.

I think I can pull that from a .257 Weatherby (nope, never really wanted a Weatherby until I started seeing some press on them in the past year or so).  Might even try the .240 Weatherby but then I'd give up the heavier animals.

That 264 Win Mag sound interesting.  I'll have to check into it.

I know I can stretch out my 6mm Rem to do about 95% of what I want but then I wouldn't have an excuse for another rifle now would I?

The 6.5 Rem Mag might work too...  too many choices...

My parameters included big deer and 500 yards but I should have clarified that I wouldn't necessarily be trying to shoot big deer at 500 yards.  I included the 500 yard limit to ensure that I would get the fastest cartridges recommended.  I MIGHT try a 'yote or varmint at 500 but not on a regular basis.  Definitely not deer.  I know what I have will work but where's the fun in that huh?  I'm going to have to start looking for some parts and pieces.  I might even have to build two... Now to go look up ballistics...

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2009, 07:34:51 AM »
264 win mag

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2009, 10:59:18 AM »
 ;) Noguns, the 264 and 257 Wea. have been mentioned several times. After trying the .257 on game and varmits, I would stick with the .25-06 or 25-06 AI. I liked the Wea. but, it was not as easily loaded as the .25-06. I had three or four of them, and still have one fairly new barrel and brass, but if I do any more .25's it would be a .25-06 AI. As for the .264 it was one of my early loves, had three of these. The last one I rebarreled to 7mm. It was similar to the .257 in that the number of powders and bullets available didn't offer much to choose from. Now, there is more on the market, BUT I could not get the accuracy out of either of these calibers that I get out of the 7mm's. Now that might just be me, but the 7mm does well with 120's for varmits, 140's for deer, and 160's for elk and moose. When you have a 6mm the next step up would be them 7's as I see it. My pal shoots a long barreled 6mm, and with bullets up to 100 grains, he is pretty close to my .25-06, but he loads alot hotter than I. When we want something with more range or wind bucking ability, it is either the 7mm or .30 caliber. Wind may not be a big deal in your area, but in Wy. it howls, so it is a concern. One thing I would keep in mind, you mentioned 500 yard shots at deer, and you probably wouldn't take it. With either the 7mm Wea. or the .300 You can get some awesome loads. The .257 wea. will match it, but it lacks bullet weight to make it a good killer on game. I can give you examples if you like, but it is easy to hit with at long range, but due to the light bullet it doesn't have the knock down heavier calibers do. In 1991 I drew a sheep permit for Wy. Now this can be a once in a lifetime deal, so I wanted to be ready for all events. I played with one of my .300's and could get 3400fps. out of a 150 Nosler BTBT. Shot in 3 inches high at onehundred yards it dropped less than 2 feet at 500 yards. Check it out in the Nosler book. When I had my chance, it was a long shot. But due to time, and a big die off of rams, I took it. With that load, and a summers pratice. It was a piece of cake. He never moved out of his tracks. ;)

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2009, 01:42:13 PM »
One more vote for the 6.5-06.


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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2009, 06:31:34 PM »
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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2009, 05:16:59 AM »
I own the Wby 257 that could do all those things you want. So thats my vote.

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2009, 05:44:44 PM »
I own the Wby 257 that could do all those things you want. So thats my vote.

It does the job very well in factory or reloads, for example a 110 Accubond fact load has 2,325 vel & 1320 Energy at 500 yds.

The 25-06 in fact. is on the edge with the better factory loads for 500 yd. Deer & fine for everything else mentioned. With warm but safe reloads it does fine for all catagories mentioned, for example the 115 Berger VLD @ 3200 which is very doable with a 25-06 you have vel. of 2,258 & energy of 1,302 @ 500 yds., which is fine. I use a 25-06AI which will propel the 115 VLD to 3,325 or so, been there, done that.

The 270 is great as well, as is the WSM, though a little stout for Varmits, 280, 6.5-06 & many others.
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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2009, 07:22:44 AM »
this place cracks me up   ;D
its like someone asking a group of practicing alcoholics what kind of beer to try
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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2009, 08:12:18 AM »
Thats funny !!!!  But its true

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2009, 11:37:54 AM »
How about a 6mm-50BMG  pushes a 100gr slug 6235fps.

Seriously a 25 caliber is the best overlap between varmint and big game. I think that true big game guns start at 25 and serious varmint calibers end here.

25-06 is probably the least painful on the wallet.
The 257 Weatherby is excellent, but tougher to come by than the -06.

From there the wild cat calibers are available, each more obsure than the other. If you have a deep wallet why not. If not, stick with the 06.

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2009, 02:33:22 PM »

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2009, 03:24:49 PM »
.257 WSM
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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2009, 04:35:39 AM »
this place cracks me up   ;D
its like someone asking a group of practicing alcoholics what kind of beer to try

i  tried  to find  that thread  about  favoride cold brew  to  post  a link
but  couldn't find it       ;D
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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2009, 07:31:23 PM »
Yeah but I KNOW that I will get some wildly varying answers on here that's WHY I asked.  Man it's easy to go with the accepted and normal answer but there are about twenty-eleven different cartridges out there that I've never even heard of and who knows one of them MIGHT be what I'm looking for.  Right now I think I'm leaning toward the .257 Weatherby but who knows, when the time comes I might just have a .25 barrel put on an old .30-06 I have and call it good...  thanks for all the input.  Some of the 6.5's sound pretty good but I'm looking at recoil too.  Have a bad shoulder that the docs can't figure out.  Not sure if I'll want much kick at all.  I know I'll end up with at least a 9 pound rifle though...  I can carry it, just not sure if I can shoot more without screwing up my shoulder more.

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #26 on: April 24, 2009, 12:57:05 AM »
I have a Vanguard in 257 Weatherby. I shoot 115gr VLD bullets, which are heavier than most people use in this caliber. I shoot it free recoil off the bench. I think any rifle which you can shoot free recoil is not a hard kicker and your shoulder should be fine with it. Shooting the more common 100 gr bullets would give even less recoil and still reach right out there. 

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #27 on: April 24, 2009, 02:23:16 AM »
A 20 lb .460 Weatherby with a break, shooting 300 gr X-bullets at well over 3,000 fps ...

High velocity, low recoil and something different.

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2009, 05:54:07 AM »
Flat, fast, factory Lapua brass, pretty light, great range of pills.
That's the issue with the .25 cals.....nothing bigger than a 120gr.
With the 6.5/284 you have everything from 85gr HPs to 160gr RNs and anything in between.
And this is a REALLY accurate round.

Cheers & God Bless

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Re: Cartridge recommendations...
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2009, 05:32:59 AM »
I have a 22-50 Rem. I use for ground hogs. It can be used for deer also. I also use a 270 win. for deer. For long range I use my 300 Ultra Mag. It can reach 600yds no problem.