I would like to get a bit of advice/take a poll. Kansas City has a Cabelas here now. I set a personal goal of losing 25 lbs before I allowed myself to go out and shop. I am 5 lbs off. My wife has given me a gift certificate for Cabelas, more than enough to get another C&B revolver(No she doesn't have a sister). I have an 1860 army, a 1851 in .44 and a brass framed Remminton. I am not sure what to get next. I know, I probably won't get much sympathy for my problem. I am leaning towards a remmington with a couple of spare cylinders, but dang if Cabelas doesn't have a 1851, .36 with some engraving and a simulated ivory grip, ala Wild Bill. I have always loved the 1851, and in my early inexperience bought a .44 rather than the historical .36. I was hopeing to see what you all prefer.