I think we all tend to lump spray oils & lubricants under the generic term "WD 40". I guess the first spray oil was "3 in 1" & was nothing more than 30 weight. WD 40 came along, & although it has lots of household uses, I consider it to be antiquated by other "newer" products.
One of these newer products, IMHO, is CRC 6-56. If I come home with a water soaked "anything", I spray it down with the stuff & it displaces water, dust, dirt, sand, salt, etc., & prevents buildup in the future. I then wipe it off completely, guns, & apply Break Free. I completely spray the power heads of my outboard motors with the stuff, used in salt water, & they continue to look brand new. It can be sprayed on electrical, electronics- deinigerized- & prevents salt fuzz, dirt, & oil build up. I consider it to be more of a non harmful cleaner, preventer, than a lubricant, because the stuff "goes away". Lubrication needs to be done with traditional oils & greases.
Break Free has worked well for me.
As soon as I can get hold of some, I'm going to try "Eezox" !
Good Shooting - Jim