as Im getting a handle on the soprano a C scale instrument the others in that scale are the Garkline and Tenor, since the high squeaky nature of the Garkline is a little abradeing on my older ears I purchased a Yamaha Tenor last fall so now If I want I really like the mellow sound of this fipple flute, Ive looked around ther's the Tin whistle, consertina, banjo, mandolin,accordian, Euphonium all had been considerd in the past but so far Im just comfortable with the Tenor and Soprano recorders, last night at music we discussed the types of music and what folk preferd to listen to, well ther's so much to play thats new to me that I hadent really considerd that my favorite Black Sabbith, ACDC, Blues and Souther Rock hold my interest
what ive found is I do like good music, whither it was written 500 years ago or just a few hours ago if its good its a pleasure to hear especially if you ply it, some the tunes we play are religious the music group we play together in a loose amalgamation is referd to as the ecumenical music group ther's a Baha'i, Episcopal, and a non practiceing Methodist (me) the instruments so far that had been plaid at music has been the Q-cord, 3-Violin,Banjo, 2-Banjo-Linn (tennor) 2-mandolinn (tenor),2- Concertinas, recorders-garkline,sopranino,soprano,alto,tenor,Bass.