I got the vx-1 2x7....I agree with everones post, even I agree that 7x is not needed....really got it for the 2x in carolina bays....I always havw wanted to have a leupold...never could seem to feel good about the cost...3 kids...they are grown now...I got my 2004 30-30 nib last year.my son, 16, had one of his friends working a a local dealer. He found it in a storeroom, they overlookded it....he told me about it and I bought it.
I sponsored this young man in his hunter ed class, cause his dad was working, and mom had ms.
he taught me to use a climbing stand, and conquer my phobia about heights.
I helped him build a good platform stand...salt-treated lumber...built right.
on Oct 31, 2008, he killed his first buck, a spike ,from it.
This is tragic...after icing down the deer, he and a buddy were going to a church cookout.The left tire dropped off the road, and the driver, the other boy, over-corrected.The s-10 pickup rolled.The young man died istantly...
his friend was not too seriosly injured.
The day of his funeral ,his grandpa,who lived next door..passed away from cancer.
These events rocked our rural community for weeks.
I wanted to put a nice little scope on the gun.I think of Drew whenever I use it.
This handirifle is not for sale.....at any price...