A little follow up, fwiw. I set my contender dies so that my cartridges that are prone to stretch (i.e. 3030, or when I had a 22 hornet) are bumped where the cartridge base chambers between 1 and 2 thousands off of the breech face. Failure to do that with hotter loads (hunting, varmint) will stretch the brass inconsistently, and effect accuracy. These cartridges will also become hard to chamber, which is a REAL problem. Pop gun loads don't really matter.
The most accurate TC reloading technique for me has been with this minor shoulder bump. I have tried only neck sizing , but accuracy invariably falls off after just a few shots. I also use bushing dies for 223, which is my plug and crank accuracy weapon. This also minimizes work hardening. Last, custom chambers with minimum SAAMI specs are the absolute best for minimizing work hardening, because good brass probably wont need neck sizing at all (custom shops), and any shoulder bump or case wall sizing will be in the 10 thousandths, hardly enough to worry about.
Also, FWIW, many BR (Speedy, for instance) shooters have abandoned neck sizing or no sizing for Full Length resizing in their BR guns, given again that the case manipulation is so very small, and the work product is cartridges with EXACTLY the same external case dimensions.