Same here in the Abilene area, most shelves are totally void of any pistol ammo, and when you do find it the price is out of site. I visited every source of ammo in the immediate Abilene area last week looking reloding items, I ran across one box of Federal Premium .357 Sig---$49.95 p[lus tax.
Two weeks ago I was in Lubbock, went to a couple of shops there, no pistol ammo to speak of. This past week we paided a short visit to Wichita Falls, same story. I didn't visit any shops there, but called several looking for .357 Sig, no luck, a gentleman at one shop ask me if I would call him if I found any.
Another issue that makes one wonder about the availability of ammo. A week or so past, the owner of CDNN (Check them out on the web) walked into the South side Wal Mart and bought all the .223 ammo they had on hand (60,000 rounds), a short while later he visited the North side store and did the same (40,000 rounds). He then went to Academy and bought all they had in stock. Customers raised so much "heck" that Wal Mart but a limit on the number of boxes a customer could buy.
I would think that if a company as large as CDNN can not procure ammo through normal channels and has to make it's purchases in this manner, then there must be a verifyed shortage. (and also a "heck-of-a" profitable market for what is available.)