Well got to give the 5mm barrel that Larry sent me a true work out yesterday , to say that I'm impresses is an understatement , even with a 30 mph crosswind I was able to keep 50 rounds in a group of 6" @ 100 yards .
Now some may say thats not a very good group , but with the only ammo being Centurian and the wind as it was , that was very good for that little bullet moving at the speed it comes out of that barrel .
The only small problem was after about 25 rounds the cases were starting to stick in the chamber some , not bad , just had to give a slight twist to remove them , that is only due to the fact that the ammo is on the dirty side and not a chamber problem .
All this barrel needs is some better ammo and a better scope ( old Tasco 4 x 12 ) it could be a true shooter .
Again , Thank You Larry