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Offline kinslayer1965

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Turkey Hunting
« on: April 26, 2009, 11:10:21 AM »
Went turkey hunting in north Florida this weekend. Havent been turky hunting in 20+ years. A friend ask me to go so I practiced on the slate call I bought at gander and off I went. I had my trusty .243 handi just incase the odd yote or bobcat came wondering around the area.

I had forgotten just how much fun it is trying to call one of those birds can be. Didn't kill anything but had two come in and lockup about 80 yards from the blind and strut back and forth. Man that is what hunting is all about. My hands were shaking so much I thought I was going to drop my turkey call.

Did have one yote pop his head out and look around but by the time I put the shotgun down and got the .243 up he had decided there was something about the set up he did not like and scrammed.

It was a good weekend even if the only thing the cooler had in it on the way back was left overs from Pizza Hut.  ;D ;D ;D ;D
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Offline coop2564

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Re: Turkey Hunting
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2009, 03:25:20 AM »
Sounds like it was a good time, better luck with the birds next time!
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Offline Singleshotsam

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Re: Turkey Hunting
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2009, 03:59:15 AM »
Turkey hunting is a good time.  My buddy had never been before and I told him I'd call one in if he wanted to shoot one.  So we found a good setup in a wooded fencerow next to what was an old corn field that hadn't been plowed under yet.  Called a gobbler in from 120 yards across the field... I could see my friend getting antsy.  I told him to ease his gun up, but don't shoot until I say so.

The turkey eases in to about 90 yards, this guy is shaking... I whisper at him to calm down.

80 yards ... Dang it man... put your gun down... don't shoot until he's about 30 or 40 yards out...

The gobbler is making a dang strut strait for our decoy which is about 20 yards to the side of us.  Doesn't even know were there...besides the fact my friend is about to stroke out...

70 yards away... BOOM!  "I got him!" is all I hear.  I swear loudly and look back up to see one of the biggest gobblers I've ever seen fly off.  We walked over to where the bird had been hit, and I picked up a tail feather.  I stuck it in my friends boonie hat and told him to look at it the next time he got the urge to get hot on the trigger and then laughed. 

He still wears that turkey feather in his hat to this day lol... He later told me that he's harvested deer, dove, coyotes, prarie dogs, rabbits squirrel and elk but that hunting turkey was the most suspenseful hunting he'd ever seen.

I've not been on a turkey hunting trip with the man since :)
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Offline Rustyinfla

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Re: Turkey Hunting
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2009, 06:38:07 PM »

  The ex- Fla Gov. Lawton Chiles used to use a Ruger Mini 14 with a folding stock to do his turkey hunting. Then someone told him that the folding stock put HIS gun on the list of banned weapons under the assault rifle ban. He just explained that it was his turkey gun.
   The Gov. passed away while in office. He was a Dem. but at least he was a hunter.
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