Just read a 23 month old in Texas might be the first death attributed to the swine flu. 'Couse the media is going to play this up. I certainly do not want any harm to any child, but I also know that people die from what most of us consider everyday disease's, and don't think to much when we might have one.
Read yesterday, a ''Doctor'', claims the govt. had something to do with the design of this virus. Claims he didn't think that a virus could contain different strains from bird,swine and human without help from a labratory. My wife, a Medical Lab Tech., says otherwise. According to her, these virus's mutate and change quite easily, which is why it's so hard to develope a vaccine that will work on more than one strain of virus. As soon as you get something that is effective, it change's, and then the medical personel have to start all over. gypsyman