Remove the front, and rear, sights. Clamp the barrel lug in a padded vise, so you have access to the whole barrel - sideways. Use a strip of heavy cloth, about 1" wide, and 18-20" long. Put some automotive rubbing compound -the reddish stuff- on the cloth (put on quite a bit), and wrap the cloth around the barrel 1 1/2 times, and useing a "shoeshine" motion, polish your barrel. You can then go to polishing compound -the white stuff- if you want a higher gloss. It seems that the heavier, stiffer the cloth is, the faster it works. I use some canvas that I found, and it works great. The automotive compounds are easy to find, and they leave a wax-like coating on the metal, that helps protect the finish. I have, in the past, had a pretty hard time using Flitz, and other polishes with my dremel tool. I can't seem to get the finish to polish evenly. It always seems to show polishing marks. This method works for me, every time.>>>>Bug.