Author Topic: NEw trappers Adjust yr traps for the coming season.  (Read 344 times)

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NEw trappers Adjust yr traps for the coming season.
« on: September 14, 2003, 01:28:53 AM »
New and older trappers just starting  should go over traps you are using  for what ever furbearers you are trapping to make sure they set off properly and swivels are working.  Sometimes  unless you  bought traps someone has adjusted you need to make sure the pan sets level with jaws when set and that there isnt too much creep fm trap dog and trap pan when trap goes off. Filing trap dog off some and the notch  on trap pan can give you a crisp set off when trap goes off.  Also check your swivels  and add any  if more are needed.  Swivels are cheap insurance of keeping yr animals when caught.  If trapping mink and muskrats make sure the pan on yr trap falls by itself when you lift it up and let go.  You dont want any pressure resistance on pan like you do when canine trapping as water animals like mink  when swimming dont  have alot of downward pressure.  If these comments stir up any questions fire away as we are on here to help you starting out trappers.  Good luck in adjusting traps

Offline Davetrp243

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Night Latching
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2003, 06:24:20 AM »
I have thought about night latching my canine traps, is it worth it? What is the easiest way to do this?? Thanks!-John

Offline Tim B

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NEw trappers Adjust yr traps for the comin
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2003, 09:59:18 AM »
I for one have night latched all my k-9 and cat traps.  It is definately well worth the time.  I put the pan in a vice and make the night latch with a 6 inch bastard mill file.
Tim B

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NEw trappers Adjust yr traps for the comin
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2003, 10:10:58 AM »
I'm with Tim.....I have night latched all my canine traps, and think it's a good way to go. Pan drop is non existent if done correctly, while maintaining correct pan tension. I've done away with pan covers, and have not found this to be a problem at all. I finish with a bastard file, and pre cut the notch with my dremel. the notch is then set to the width I like by filing the face of the dog notch down square....maybe 1/32" or less. One thing that I often see with night latch descriptions is a back raking of the dog end. I don't think this matters, other than it seems to weaken the end of the dog and allows rounding, which doesn't work well with the night latch. Taking a file to square up the end of the dog works well, and I see no reason why this would interfear with the firing of the trap.
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Offline Wackyquacker

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NEw trappers Adjust yr traps for the comin
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2003, 01:48:44 PM »
I'm with the other guys.  I too have all my traps "latched".   Think about things before you start filing or "Dremeling"; think about the angle of the latch.  If you file it parallel with the pan some times the trap will fire when setting the latch.  Now if you file it in at an angle the dog will almost never slip off the latch when setting.  This is easy to do; when filing  the notch, angle the the non-cutting edge of the file downward (away) from the top side of the pan.