I'm with Tim.....I have night latched all my canine traps, and think it's a good way to go. Pan drop is non existent if done correctly, while maintaining correct pan tension. I've done away with pan covers, and have not found this to be a problem at all. I finish with a bastard file, and pre cut the notch with my dremel. the notch is then set to the width I like by filing the face of the dog notch down square....maybe 1/32" or less. One thing that I often see with night latch descriptions is a back raking of the dog end. I don't think this matters, other than it seems to weaken the end of the dog and allows rounding, which doesn't work well with the night latch. Taking a file to square up the end of the dog works well, and I see no reason why this would interfear with the firing of the trap.