Author Topic: Misshap while casting  (Read 1708 times)

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Offline lostchild

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Misshap while casting
« on: May 01, 2009, 10:45:54 AM »
I found out today that molten lead is really really hot.  I cast outdoors, thought that I had my pot Lee 4-20 was leval and stable.  It wasn't .  I now have the shiniest parking space in the trailerpark.  I was lucky had my work boots on ( now they are lead/steel toes).  I was lucky no burns just had to explain to honey.  Lesson learned , at least we can laugh at this one noone hurt and no lead lost ( anyone know how to get gravel out of lead?) Be carefull  ...lost

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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2009, 12:38:40 PM »
Been there a time or two!  Just throw the stuff back in the pot.  Gravel floats.  So do dirt, shell casings, and about anything else that happens in.  When casting outside, be wary of flying insects.  A bumblebee in the pot will cause an eruption you wouldn't believe.

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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2009, 12:49:18 PM »
I had a cast iron pot I was using once split and spill the entire contents and that was a mess. Since then I refuse to ever again use cast iron even tho many here recommend it. But the real fun was when a pot exploded in my face due to moisture.

I was using a solid powder type flux and found it is very hydroscopic and draws moisture like salt does. It was on the stirring spoon I use and when I put it in to stir the lead it exploded in my face. I got lead all over my upper body and have scars to show it on my face, hands and arms. I also learned to wear natural not synthetic fibers as the shirt I was wearing melted from the lead and just added to the fun. Luckily the safety glasses saved my eyes. I can't say the same for my nose and fore head.

Yup lead feels real hot in contact with human skin.

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Offline D Crockett

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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2009, 04:38:58 AM »
I was melting down some ww was doing fine till I got to the last small bucket of ww. I always leave about 2 or 3 inches of molten lead in the pot. when I dump the last bucket in I herd a loud noisy then I was laying on my back about 10 ft from where I was standing. I like GB had lead all over me my glasses saved my eyes my close saved 98% of me from getting burnt. now the next part shocked the heck out of me the pot was empty and about 2 minutes later a ambulance shows up. my neighbor thought I was hurt bad so she called 911. boys I am here to tell you I never want to go threw that again. if you have doubt about moisture in lead spread it out and let it dry in the sun for a few hr better safe than sorry D Crockett

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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2009, 04:45:23 AM »
Don't cast while wearing flip flops.  Don't ask how I know. ;D
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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2009, 05:31:02 AM »
years ago, when just starting casting. I thought I was suspose to empty the pot after casting, well I did not have an ingot mold so I used cat food cans. about a week latter my brother invited me up to cast some bullets in his shead because it was raining. I soon realized my cat food can ingots would not fit back in my pot. so my brother went outside and cut the ingot up with an ax (in the rain) before I knew what happened he had walked back in and dropped a large chunck of ingot DRIPPING WET into the pot half full of melted lead. well you know what happened! he still thinks it was funny. (I DO NOT!) I looked like a tinsled christmas tree, I am just lucky I had my head down at that instant. he still says: (but I shook the water off) he just doesnt get it. NO WATER MEANS NO WATER.  every since then I alow no one near me when casting. I probably should share this story with filson cloths, I had on a brand new filson long sleave shirt, I believe it saved my hide!!!

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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2009, 09:24:40 AM »
I was ingot casting WW's with a turkey fryer and dutch oven and dumped the last of the wts into the oven from the bucket; didn't get hurt but saw the drip of water as I poured and turned to run as it erupted.  I didn't even get a drop on me. but there was a 6" oval of lead on the awnining above where I was casting and various spots around where I had been.  I'm also REAL careful to avoid water in all my lead now.  Oh and I was barefoot and in shorts and T shirt; summer in Florida.  I wear boots now and long pants, even on the hottest days, and eye protection.

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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2009, 02:17:18 PM »
As a kid, my dad would give me the task of casting, while he went in to "rest".  Our shop had a concrete roof which was also the patio for the upstairs.  Inside the shop, the concrete was supported by steel beams.  When you turn on an air conditioner, or when other climatic changes occur;  steel sweats.  I learned at the age of 11 or so what water will do for molten metal.

Thats why you don't weld or cut metal laying on a concrete floor.  The violent expansion of the water trapped in the concrete will cause the concrete to "explode" off in chunks, which will then go down the neck of your t shirt, and since you just jumped upright to avoid it, it will find its way past your waistline to..........well never mind. :'(
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2009, 02:11:16 AM »
i learned a lesson. At my house dont cast in the morning! I cast and load in a steel pole barn with no insulation and this time of year every morning you get condensation on the inner roof from the frost on the outside. I had a big drop of water hit my 20 lb lyman pot one day and it emptied half of it. Some right in my face. Luckly i was quick with my eye closing as one small bit of lead hit me in the eye lid. Like a dummy i had no saftety glasses on. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2009, 10:57:29 PM »
In one post someone said they lay their lead in the sun to dry for a couple hours. That might not be enough.  I pick up bullets at the range, cast and jacketed.  I had a coffee can of the pickups sitting on my boiler for a few weeks to months - don't recall for sure but my boiler room is pretty hot all the time.  We dry our mittens and boots there all the time. When I was melting it down for ingots I had an explosion and I thought the lead had a LONG time to dry. All I can figure is that water had gotten inside some jacketed bullet and never evaporated. I had stepped away from the pot for a few minutes so only got a little splattered. My glasses saved me too. But now, several years later I still find bits of lead stuck to my bench and the wall behind! It went everywhere.
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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2009, 02:08:50 AM »
I like Lloyd found out the hard way that very HOT lead and a tiny drop moisture has a devistating affect on the surroundings. Luckily lead cools very fast and pulls of the flesh easily.

My biggest "boo boo " I made moulding was when I started many moons ago. I was in the kitchen on the gas stove and had some extra lead leftover and put it into Lyman ingot mould. Picked up the the mould not thinking that the handle would get that HOT that quick. In a painic not wanting to spill the lead I sat the ingot mould on the floor. When the mould cooled a bit I picked up and found that I had 4 LYMAN imprints moulded into the WIFES congoleum floor. "Muther" was not happy with me. From that point on I use vise grips on the ingot mould and keep the moulding out doors.

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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2009, 01:06:46 AM »
I had a cast iron pot I was using once split and spill the entire contents and that was a mess. Since then I refuse to ever again use cast iron even tho many here recommend it. But the real fun was when a pot exploded in my face due to moisture.

I was using a solid powder type flux and found it is very hydroscopic and draws moisture like salt does. It was on the stirring spoon I use and when I put it in to stir the lead it exploded in my face. I got lead all over my upper body and have scars to show it on my face, hands and arms. I also learned to wear natural not synthetic fibers as the shirt I was wearing melted from the lead and just added to the fun. Luckily the safety glasses saved my eyes. I can't say the same for my nose and fore head.

Yup lead feels real hot in contact with human skin.
Damn, I can't even imagine!!
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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2009, 01:53:53 AM »
Two times now this year I have been surprised by a rain shower,the sun was out at the time, you would have to laugh if you saw me trying to find something to cover the pot in a hurry
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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2009, 03:54:10 PM »
Good stories, all, and each has a lesson for the rest of us, and that is DON'T EVER LET WATER GET IN YOUR LEAD POT, NOT EVEN ONE DROP.

Now, that said, IF (AND A MIGHTY BIG IF IT IS) you begin with an empty pot you can throw all the wet lead into it you want. The water will all be boiled away long before the time the pot is hot enough to melt the lead.

So, make this Rule #1:

NEVER ADD LEAD TO A POT CONTAINING MOLTEN LEAD unless you are dead certain it is bone dry.

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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2009, 11:05:45 PM »
Wow... I'm learning all kinds of good stuff here.  I just hope to remember to re-read it all in 14 months when I move back to the US.

Safety glasses
Outdoors but covered
dry lead
no one else near
Long pants
work boots
Long sleeves
leather gloves
not on concrete
hmmm... did I miss anything?

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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2009, 01:20:19 AM »
right no id like to add to this. PLEASE dont leave your casting pot unatended. I did it for years and it just cost me 10s of thousands of dollars.
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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2009, 02:42:34 AM »
right no id like to add to this. PLEASE dont leave your casting pot unatended. I did it for years and it just cost me 10s of thousands of dollars.

Talk about leavin' folks hangin'!!??

Butler Ford
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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2009, 11:03:11 AM »
He has the full story posted on Single Action Revolver Forum I think. Burned down his barn with ALL his reloading equipment, supplies and everything else in it.

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Offline ihmsakiwi

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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2009, 12:11:56 AM »
Don't cast while wearing flip flops.  Don't ask how I know. ;D

Ah yes, I know this one. The blister between the toes that takes forever to mend. I did have all my protective gear on, leather apron, safety glasses, etc etc..........but for some reason (mid-summer) forgot my feet.

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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2009, 01:30:46 AM »
It's also interesting to have a cat jump up on the table as your pouring some hot lead into the mold.
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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2009, 07:06:03 AM »
we used to make sinkers by pouring melted lead into table spoons.

doing this one time with the dog running loose, he snuck up behind us and gave a loud bark. lead was splattered all over the picnic table!

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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2009, 05:43:32 AM »
While casting 500 grain bpcr bullets I knocked a spru off that conviently landed in my boot.  Hard to set there and letit burn but a quick jump up can be more disasterous.  I added a piece of lead that appearantly had a spider on the back side, yea it errupted, got luck and did not get burned much.  Now I use the same rule we used in high schoo foundry, lead ingots are laid on the rim of the pot to preheat before adding to mix.  SN

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Re: Misshap while casting
« Reply #22 on: May 22, 2009, 07:47:57 PM »
I'm just gettin started with casting, good advice here, thanks