I to am a NY hunter safety instructor,but the simple truth is, it takes cash to put up a fight against the politians. Money talks and BS walks. We as responsible gun owners, must support groups that are fighting for our right to bear arms.The NRA,GOA,JFPO,on the national level,and the NYSRPO ,and SCOPE on the state level. The sportsmens club I belong to has a dedicated fund for the protection of the second ammendment. It can be used to support those organizations ,and politicians ,who are in favor of our second ammendment rights. We raise money for the fund by having inhouse raffels, 50-50 drawings , donations by members, , and by having one of those change jars like you see in the convience stores , on the counter where members buy refreshments,that they can throw their loose change in. We,as gun owners,have to get serious about protecting the 2nd ammendment,or it will be lost in the very near future. Look for ways your club or organization can raise money in support of it's defense.And use the power of the members of your group to VOTE for people who support us.