It pains me to say my wife would be killed if she was home when they came, I'm sure by that time I'd be out "communicating" or something if all this was going down. My wife is not one to be controlled...she would die with a shotgun in her hands. She must think like Heather, only older...they would have to kill her or they would be in danger.
Not judging anyone from here Bubba.....I was just commenting on the fact you said my talk was cheap. True...nothing heroic about me, I'll be scared the whole time I'm fighting somehwere in the back of my head I'm sure of it.
Can't hide my guns....doesn't make any sense to hide them, can't use them if they are hidden, same as giving them up in my view, but that's just me.
If only 1 million Americans fight back, and kill one of them on each occasion...that's 1 million of THEM big a force do you think they would have anyways? This is doable....we have some impressive numbers. Let's all hope not, but I've made up my mind which side I'm on and what I'm willing to give up.