I've definately heard of it, and in fact the worst incident was from a customer report. He had an old style lyman check frisbe in a semi circle and hit another shooter in the shoulder. It stung like fire but didn't penetrate.
The old lymn checks were note worthy for this problem. Hornady (Lyman & RCBS are Hornady manufacture now.) and Gator checks are all designed to crimp on, and IF THEY CRIMP SOLIDLY they stay on all the way to the target. The cast bullets which have tapered check shanks, or undersize one, are vulnerable though, as neither supplies enough metal for a good crimp. I make all LBT molds with straight check shanks, and large enough to insure a sure grip. I've done it this way for 30 years, starting with the first molds I made. If I ship a mold which doesn't give good tight gc grip, I fix them free. That's how important I consider gc fit.