As some of you have read i have pulled my old Darton out of the mothballs
and started shooting,(should have let the moths have it) Set at 55#
31" draw it is a blazing 190fps with a about 500 gr arrow. I can live with this i guess but the problem is the 30-40% letoff, the first 2 arrows at 20yds i can
put in the white, the next 3-4 i get a "little shaky" they are in the blue. Never
noticed it being that hard to hold 35 years ago, maybe something is wrong with it.
I was told at the proshop/range that if you hold it more than 4 sec. you have
missed.. I watch those kids (anyone under 40) draw those itsy-bitsy
bow and hold it for 15 minutes, and put them all in the white, most touching.
I will know the 11th of june if i made the draw in N.M. if i did i am in the market
for a late model bow with about 97.5% letoff at 55-60#, untill then i will
keep shooting the shoulder breaker who knows by then i may be able to
handle it