Author Topic: Do your deer normally run after the shot?  (Read 6593 times)

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Offline hunt-m-up

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Re: Do your deer normally run after the shot?
« Reply #60 on: July 29, 2009, 04:13:02 AM »
Yeah, I would guess your shots with the 45/70 wouldn't be too far in that situation, it will definitely break them down if you take the front end out from under them.  Some guys are fond of the neck shot which would ruin less meat and with that big slug it could really do a number shooting them there. I bet they're half tame from eating out of the garden so to speak. If you want them to really stink in that heat, give them the Texas heart shot.
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Offline Halwg

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Re: Do your deer normally run after the shot?
« Reply #61 on: July 29, 2009, 04:28:37 AM »
I watch a lot of hunting TV programs.  Nearly every rifle shot on a whitetail results in a tracking job.  Now I am no expert but I've taken nearly 200 whitetails in NC in 40+ years (we no longer have a limit on doe deer), and the deer I shoot with a rifle do not usually take a step.  Maybe one in twenty of my deer run out of sight.  On the TV shows, about 19 of 20 deer run away.

Why do you think the TV deer run after the shot?  Ramge is not normally a factor.  Granted a lot of the deer I shoot are does, but I've taken my share of bucks in NC and in other states.  I just don't see why the TV hunter's deer nearly always run out of camera sight.

Do the TV hunters normally shoot too far back on their deer? 

What is your experiance?

I don't agree with this statement.  I've watched a lot of these scripted programs and the deer dropped in their tracks.  I shot 2 deer this past season, one ran 20 yards and the other 35.  Both with their hearts and lungs destroyed.  It doesn't bother me.  I've had them drop in their tracks, as well.  It's something you have to expect.
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Re: Do your deer normally run after the shot?
« Reply #62 on: July 29, 2009, 04:39:34 AM »
I watch a lot of hunting TV programs.  Nearly every rifle shot on a whitetail results in a tracking job.  Now I am no expert but I've taken nearly 200 whitetails in NC in 40+ years (we no longer have a limit on doe deer), and the deer I shoot with a rifle do not usually take a step.  Maybe one in twenty of my deer run out of sight.  On the TV shows, about 19 of 20 deer run away.

Why do you think the TV deer run after the shot?  Ramge is not normally a factor.  Granted a lot of the deer I shoot are does, but I've taken my share of bucks in NC and in other states.  I just don't see why the TV hunter's deer nearly always run out of camera sight.

Do the TV hunters normally shoot too far back on their deer? 

What is your experiance?

My ejjumacated guess is shot placement and bullet used. The bullets that the TV types use are more than likely the premium-controlled expansion type that didn't affect the CNS much if any.

For those with inquiring minds and may want a Mechanical Engineer's perspective (who is a hunter/shooter) of DRT or run, check out this this website: I believe I was directed to this website from another post on GBO. Some of it gets technical, but the whole concept is there. Tell us all what ya think!

From this it would seem that some will run. . . and some won't.  It's up to the animal.  Shoot the same size animal in the same way in the same spot with the same bullet travelling at the same velocity and you will likely get two different results as far as reaction from the bullet impact.  I like where the guy writing the article quoted above says, "work has both quality as well as quantity."  I would disagree with him a bit though on the smaller calibers.  They can be quite effective.  I prefer a .30 of some caliber, but I will not hesitate to shoot a deer with my .223 with the right bullet.  Most of us around here get a kick out of all of our out-of-state hunters that pay us outrageous sums of money to come hunt here with their shoulder cannons.  If you didn't know what time of the year it was, you would still know it's deer season because the brass at the range would change from 25-06 and smaller to 7mm Mag and larger.

Bottom line for me is: it's more important where you hit them, than what you hit them with. 

Offline Hunter_Smurf

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Re: Do your deer normally run after the shot?
« Reply #63 on: August 03, 2009, 05:02:02 PM »
the amount of deer i have taken can be counted on one

first buck 12 gauge at about 20 yards perfect quartering away.. took out lungs,, ran about 30 yards

first doe same gun at about 20 yards  broadside looking at me  took out lungs ,, ran over 50 yards down hill..

second doe same gun 15 yards was a bad shot on mypart. broadside never new i was there
(used a recoil boot that let my gun slip as i shot) hit back to far-gutshot ran about 35 yards around thickets and fell into a juniper bush where i finished her off..

third doe same gun  less than 5 yards jumping broadside lung shot ran about 10 yards

forth doe same gun about 50 yards broadside dropped then jumped and ran another 40 dropped again then ran across the creek to private land where i heard her get taken.. (only one i didnt get to eat)

fifth doe winchester 1980's model 94 from a tree stand at 30 yards standing broadside shot high she dropped in her tracks where i had to finish her. sad but learned a lot that day.. she was huge..

second buck .. last year single shot 30-30 N.E.F with 3x9x40 barska scope about 25 yards face to face. shot him center-right chest creased the lungs, liver, and heart... he still ran about 40-70 yards out into the field.

so .. no lol   never had a bang - flop ..

I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing with you,
                             Your just not laughing.......

Ever notice the deer we get is always smaller
                              than the deer we saw..??.lol

Offline FourBee

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Re: Do your deer normally run after the shot?
« Reply #64 on: August 03, 2009, 05:18:36 PM »
Hunter_Smurf :
I have a suggestion;   Your record proves you can place your shots.  With that, why not raise the bullet placement just a tad higher to break the spine.  See if that doesn't give you a "Bang ~ Flop".

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Offline watkibe

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Re: Do your deer normally run after the shot?
« Reply #65 on: August 04, 2009, 08:11:25 PM »
Mine always run, but not very far.  ;D