Just keep praying, Tony, God will open a door for you sooner or later, but you still have to pray earnestly and have faith.
I have been out of work over five years from a serious back injury. During that time my company had turned their back on me, and even when there was a job I could still do, they would not give it to me. I was steaming mad for quite a while as you can imagine.
During the time out, I decided I was going to try to read my Bible every day. It took a while to get into the habit, but I got the hang of it. In about three and a half years, I was able to read my Bible from beginning to end! My Faith in God grew tremendously (I don't really like reading either, LOL).
I realized that God not only wanted my back to get better, but more importantly he wanted my soul to get better!
Today, I still can't work due to the injury, but the Good Lord continues to provide for me DAILY. I now know some day my back will be perfect, and I look forward to meeting my Maker. I now have joined a church and am a Deacon in Training. I have plenty of time to visit the sick and shut-in, and help a little at the local food pantry stocking the shelves to help the poor.I figure some day I may even need the help of the pantry, but for now, I have everything I need and more, even without a job! So don't give up, just keep looking up!
I will pray for you also tony, and don't worry!
In Christ, Eric