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Offline mirage1988

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scared of dogs!
« on: May 16, 2009, 07:07:51 PM »
there are some here that are scared of dogs. please explain why!

Offline kevthebassman

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2009, 07:29:29 PM »
Couldn't say, I've never met a dog I couldn't handle, and I've met quite a few dogs.

Offline teamnelson

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2009, 09:39:57 PM »
Chip (my Aussie mix) scares some folks - he's got a wolfish head. Me I like all dogs; some folks train their dogs to be vicious. Some breeds are bred for that trait to the point they cease to be dogs and are instinctually dangerous to all around.
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Offline Dand

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2009, 10:03:58 PM »
Now and then in bush Alaskan villages, a kid gets killed by dogs that are staked out, teased or neglected. I've had dog nip at my legs when bicycling or snowmobiling and had one threaten me while I was bent over trying to teach my 3 yr old to ride. I'm not as scared of them now as when I was a kid and packs of loose dogs would come thru our neighborhood. But it seems wise to be wary of unknown dogs. We also have rabies in the area. Some years ago in Dutch Harbor there were feral dogs.  My boss was out for a walk with his pup and he came across a group of the wild dogs. Several advanced toward them and didn't stop until he shot them with the 12 ga he had happened to grab for the walk. They didn't even run after he shot the first dog but headed out after the second one dropped. Like I said I don't have the fear of dogs I did as a kid but I believe in being very careful around unfamiliar dogs.
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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2009, 10:37:16 PM »
  I like dogs, have raised, bred, competed and hunted with them all my life..but there are some that I have no "magic touch" with. I agree with Dand, dogs can, when they pack up become just as bold and daring as some wild animals. In fact, they may be more dangerous than some wild animals, simply because they don't share that natural fear of humans..
  Shucks, some human teenagers, when left unsupervised and allowed to run in packs, can become just as predatory and dangerous.
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Offline Swampman

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2009, 01:10:00 AM »
I don't like dogs, nor does my wife.  I've met a few I think only a gun could handle.  My neighbor had a chow that was crazy.  It finally bit her pregnant friend on the leg and in the face.  They had it put down.  I'm glad they did before it killed somebody.

I'm not afraid of them.  They are just another animal.
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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2009, 01:13:49 AM »
I don't have a fear of dogs but I do have a healthy respect for them.  Any dog is capable of biting and causing  damage.  I must so I'm also leery anytime I see a group of dogs running together.  It doesn't take long for them to remember their ancient genes.
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Offline williamlayton

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2009, 01:46:52 AM »
In fear of?
Just as with humans, fear is not the factor. Wary is a better term.
I have a lap dog in the form of a poodle that will lick you too distraction and a friend that can't tolerate dogs--i put the puppy up when she comes to visit.
Instinctively I am wary of any strange dog. I have no idea of his mood at the time.
There are a couple of breeds that are, at best, junk yard dogs. I have no use for them and will not tolerate them.
I don't care to hear the arguement that they are basically friendly. I don't trust someone who is basically honest--I don't trust these breed of dogs and society would be better off without them.

Offline petemi

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2009, 02:15:49 AM »
I'm a dog person.  I spent yesterday helping a friend remodel a bathroom.  He has a large black junk yard mongrel named Bear.  He's nasty and viscious to strangers.  By the end of the day he was head butting me for petting and attention.  I take dogs at face value as I do people.  I trust them until they prove differently.

I inherited a ten year old Boxer, Pit Bull, Great Dane cross.  Five years ago his sole ambition in life was to gnaw on people.  He was confined and neglected for years.  Today he is the most loving, friendly dog I have ever owned.  He's great with kids and even our chickens trust him.  A lot of times, it's not the dog to blame, but the owner.

I still, however, am cautious around Rots, Pit Bulls and Dobermans.  And, one of the best, nicest dogs I ever encountered was a Rot.  So there ya go.  Ya just gotta take em at face value until they prove otherwise.

Keep both eyes open and make the first shot good.
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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2009, 02:38:29 AM »
I am not afraid of dogs but I do have a respect for what they can do to a person.  In this part of OK is it fashionable for town and city folks to take their unwanted dogs to the country and turn them loose.  A friend had a couple of horses mauled by pit bulls that a nutcase turned loose.   My friend called me and i killed all three of those dogs. 

In the past three years I have been attacked twice by wild dogs including a huge shaggy Samoyed. 

Offline billy_56081

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2009, 02:53:37 AM »
I once had a neighbor with a very aggressive vicious acting dog in my neighborhood. It was in a fencs but the dog was starting to dig out. I wasn't scared so much of it as an unrational fear, but one of if it got loose my children could be injured or killed. One day I slipped the little pup a treat of bacon grease and a sponge. Well no one is afraid of that dog no more.
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Offline littlecanoe

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2009, 03:34:22 AM »
Used to be after being bitten in the face by a German Shepherd when I was about 3 or 4.
Took me a long time to get over that.

It's funny that now, I don't mind the big dorgs at all.  I've learned/am learning to read their body language and know what I'm dealing with.

I don't like lap dogs.  I see no use for them other than to annoy all who come in contact with them.  I'm half joking there but those little beasts get on my nerves.

Offline kevthebassman

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2009, 04:37:21 AM »
I once had a neighbor with a very aggressive vicious acting dog in my neighborhood. It was in a fencs but the dog was starting to dig out. I wasn't scared so much of it as an unrational fear, but one of if it got loose my children could be injured or killed. One day I slipped the little pup a treat of bacon grease and a sponge. Well no one is afraid of that dog no more.

I usually like cheese and rat poison for that sort of work billy, but I hadn't thought about a sponge full of antifreeze.

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2009, 04:59:43 AM »
Grew up in a family that never owned dogs. Bit twice as as a kid. I was pretty scared of barking dogs until I became a dog owner myself and got the opportunity to study them.  Still wary of barking dogs but I think i can tell which ones are truly aggessive and those that just like to bark.
I've met many dogs I'd like to see dead but would never elect to dispose of them in an underhanded manner that caused a slow painful death. Seems cowardly to me.

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2009, 05:08:07 AM »
When I was around three-years-old, my folks took me and the bro to a cookout at a friends house. While there, I was happily munching on a hot dog, but to my dismay, a basset hound came along and stole the wiener right out of my hot dog bun. Been terrified of dogs ever since, especially basset hounds. :D

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Offline slim rem 7

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2009, 05:42:39 AM »
 its best to know how the variouse breed minds works..
 never look dead into the eye of a dog on his territory.. thats a challenge to him.. if hes not on his territory sometimes the dead on stare makes him think hes on your territory .. so it a mind game,of course depending on the breed.. the one you never try an psych
 out is the  pits that are apt to attack humans.. you just not gonna psych a determined pit out.. treat him just like you would a grizzily..
 plan on shooting him before he gets ahold of you..jmo slim

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2009, 05:48:53 AM »
I am far more afraid of liberals dominating the three branches of the federal government than I am of dogs. >:( >:(

Good story Skunk.  I can just see a poor little 3 year old innocently holding his hot dog and some droopy-eyed bassett hound sneaking up on him and snarfing the weiner from his hand.   ;D   

Well, you have recovered well from the emotional trauma of the dastardly incident.  :D :D
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Offline Savage_99

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2009, 05:54:12 AM »
Overall I don't like dogs.   On one hand my buddy has a GSP what he uses for pheasant hunting and I get invited.  That dog is a benefit.

I take a walk for exercise from our house.  Its in a typical neighborhood with houses on large lots.   In  a  hours walk I saw six dogs and all but one were inside the house or kennel.  Four of those dogs barked at me which is annoying.

One of the dogs is just inside a fence, very close to me,  and it is very large and I am indeed afraid of it.   I am a senior now and old.  I am afraid of dogs.

Offline Glanceblamm

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2009, 06:24:53 AM »
The dog's, like a lot of animals can smell fear on a person. It is not too uncommon for farm yard dogs to have the insurance salesman trapped on top of his car while other people can walk right through a pack on up to the front door of the house. I always belonged to the latter group and even carry it a step farther. When the dog displays a "wolf like" attitude towards you, what you have to do is to display it right back at the animal. You need not say a word but use your eye contact along with perhaps a curled lip with all of your inner thoughts warning the dog that you are bigger and badder and are not to be messed with. What you are doing here is projecting a very chilling demeanor of your own and it usually works. After you do this sucessfully, it is not uncommon for me to change my attitude to calm friendliness as I beg the dog to come to me for petting. By this time the dog has increased the distance in between you two by at least twice of what the initial encounter was and is running side to side and barking as you focus all of your attention on it. If you have the time to spend, the dog will often come on in to you.

I treat Coyotes the exact opposite. Everybody wants to know what the magic call is so they can be productive. IMO, they can all work equally well but you have to play the part. If you can project fear and alarm into your calling it is easy to get the raspy quaver note to come out of your diaphram which can greatly enhance your calling. When this doggie comes in his full posture is one of deadly intent but if you screw around and he see's you it will quickly become one of wide eye'd suprise which can be hilarious!

Deer can be a whole different story. Many of the early lumberjacks have reported that they have felt "Startled" while on the job and looked around to find that a deer was staring at them. They (the jacks) thought that they "felt" the deers reaction to seeing them. When I go deer hunting, I always keep my thoughts very neutral because I think that the deer can feel negative thoughts and become quite skittish.

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2009, 07:03:22 AM »
Back during the late fifties and early sixties I and a friend raised and trained German Sheppard’s. These dogs were trained to be BAD, to bite anyone and everyone except the trainer or handler.  They were sold to police departments all over the South.

Dogs can be trained to do most anything man wants, but by nature dogs are not normally bad.  The fear factor a person has of a dog is a reflection of mans ancient fear of a beast, this is why they are so effective for crowd control.

I never met a dog I was afraid of, I have met some that I kept under closer observation than others, but out of respect because I knew, or suspected they would bite given the opportunity.  As for a barking dog, I normally ignore a barking dog, some will bite, but mostly the bark is a bluff.  It is the ones that don’t bark that need to be watched, they will sneak in and take a bite, and most any dog will bite when backed into a corner.

Dogs can sense man’s fear, and will become more aggressive toward someone that readily displays fear.  I have been bit a few times, but mostly because I did something stupid that provoked the bite.  Dogs are normally social animals, if you show the dog you are not afraid, and assume the position of pack leader they will accept you more readily, but show them fear and take the bite! Some breeds are more aggressive than others; size plays a big role in the fear factor, but keep in mind, most biting dogs are of the lap type.

Any dog,  well trained and obedient is a pleasure to own, the biggest menace to society is those owners that don’t take the time to train their dogs.  As my ole friend and partner use to say, “There is no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners.”

I don’t take many chances with dogs today because of the medications I take, the blood thinner would let me bleed to death if seriously bit so I keep a safe distance from those that I think may bite.

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2009, 07:27:32 AM »
...................., the biggest menace to society is those owners that don’t take the time to train their dogs.  As my ole friend and partner use to say, “There is no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners.”

(I don't agree.  I say there are plenty of bad dogs and I could not care less if its the cause of the owner or not.   I am afraid of dogs.  Don't tell me to 'act' like I am not afraid.   I can't help it.  I am afraid.)

I don’t take many chances with dogs today because of the medications I take, the blood thinner would let me bleed to death if seriously bit so I keep a safe distance from those that I think may bite.

(I too take a blood thinner.  If a dog gets near me I will do everything that I can to keep away from it.   I will also call 911 at that point and file a complaint along with contacting my lawyer if necessary.)

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2009, 08:52:56 AM »
I am scared of big dogs around my kids.  We have big labs and pit bulls that roam our neighborhood, and I am scared to let the kids play w/o my supervision because of them.  Call me crazy or a wuss, but they have big teeth and my kids and myself have sensitive flesh and breakable bones.

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2009, 09:27:58 AM »
When I was a child I was afraid of dogs.  It came from the fear I saw in my Mother and Grandmother when they thought one of us kids might be headed to the barn where the Pit Bulls stayed.  My Grandfather tried to teach me not to be afraid but it was not working.  Then one day my Grandfather and I were walking down a street in Nashville.  A man that had a grudge against my Grandfather sent his Giant Airedale after my Grandfather.  I was scared stiff, and being the smaller the dog went after me.  As the dog jumped for me, my Grandfather grabbed the dog.  He swung the dog up over his head, then slammed it down on the sidewalk.  My Grandfather then grabbed the dogs back legs and swung it up over his head again, then slammed it down on the concrete.  End of vicious dog.  My Grandfather calmely picked me up, turned to the man standing on his porch staring and said, "You come down here and you will get the same".  Then he continued to walk home carrying me in his arms.  After that I started losing my fear of dogs and started going to the barn with my Grandfather to watch how he handled his working dogs.

I still had a fear of strange dogs.  My younger brother Jim loved dogs.  Jim would always pick up strays and bring them home.  Jim had the ability to go up to any dog and pet it and have it licking his hands in just minutes.  No dog had ever bitten him.  I also have to say Jim was the most picked on kid on the street, no one was afraid of Jim, he was looked at as afraid of his shadow.  I was about 14 or 15 when a German Shepard came into the community.  The dog grawled at anyone that got close to it, so everyone gave it a wide berth.  No one knew where it came from, or who it belonged to, and people were afraid of it.  German Shepard's at the time had a bad rap, and mothers did not want one near their kids.  We were out playing Dodge Ball one afternoon when this dog came around.  Jim was dodging the ball and got close to this dog.  The dog jumped out and bit Jim on the leg.  When Jim realized he had been bit, Jim lost it.  Jim was so mad he jumped on the dog.  The dog tried to bite Jim, but Jim shoved his hand deep into the dogs mouth.  The dogs gag reflex prevented the dog from biting down, and it opened it's mouth farther.  Jim grabbed the lower jaw and started pushing it downward.  With Jim in control of the lower jaw the dog could not close it's mouth and bite.  Jim got a good hold on the dogs body and kept shoving the lower jaw to the dogs chest, the dog started yelping.  All us kids just stood watching my brother Jim handle this dog that we were afraid of.  We heard the bones crunch, and the jaw break.  The dog making the loudest yelping and trying to get away.  Finally Jim released the dog and it ran away, yelping.  Jim stood there with tears running down his face, looking at his bleeding leg.  Jim looked up and said, "I hated killing that dog, but he was too mean".  I pointed out the dog was still alive, Jim said "He can't eat, so he will die, and he deserves it".  Later that day the local police shot the dog.

After seeing how my Grandfather and younger Brother handled vicious dogs I realized man can handle any dog.  Man can be just as vicious as any dog, that's all it takes.  Have seen only three breeds that will stand up to a charging man, Doberman, Rottweiller, and Pit bulls.  But now that I am an old man I call on my friends Ruger and S&W to handle aggressive dogs.   

Heather:  When the kids are outside playing and those dogs are near, keep a good friend close at hand.
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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2009, 10:42:49 AM »
It takes a cowardly, sneaking SOB to poison a man’s dog!

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #24 on: May 17, 2009, 11:18:51 AM »
I'm not sneaky, and I'm not cowardly.  But I have poisoned many a man's dog.  Dog is let run loose at night when no one can get a shot at him.  Dog chases the wife from her car to the house, but runs when I come out.  No one admits to owning the dog (They are the cowardly and sneaking ones).  But once it is poisoned the owners remember "That was my dog, why did someone poison it" and come out screaming.  That's when I step forward and do the name calling.  I use two methods, no one wants to hear them, it's not pretty, but extremely effective, and no vet can save them.
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
What Is A Veteran?
A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #25 on: May 17, 2009, 02:19:05 PM »
I don't fear dogs any more than I fear people. I've seen what both are capable of and I'am wary of both until I get to know them a little.   

I have two dogs, a four year old Black lab/German Shepherd mix that weighs just over sixty pounds and a four month old Blood Hound pup which should reach between 75 and 80 pounds when she matures.   Both have very sweet dispositions and love people.   

Only saw the lab/Shepherd show any aggression toward a person once when a real sleazy looking character pulled into the driveway trying to sell frozen meat from a cooler in the back of an old pick-up.  It kind of surprised me because I had figured her for the type that would welcome a burgler into the house and even show them where the TV is.  After thinking about it some I came to the conclusion that my dog picked up on my distrust and aggravation toward the stranger and had gone into a defend home and family mode.
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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #26 on: May 17, 2009, 02:37:42 PM »
Being an ex L.E. K-9 trainer and handler, I have been bitten by some of the best. Fear no, distrust of some, you bet. A couple of breeds, actually three, I have no use for, and have 0 tolerance for them on my place. If they come unleashed, they are disposed of, 1st time no warnings. If they come leashed, they are ordered via their owner to immediately depart, no exceptions.
I too have heard the "he's a good dog" line, and don't buy it AT ALL. Rules is rules at my place.
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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2009, 05:45:06 AM »
I don't fear dogs tho I do have a healthy respect for the damage they can do. I do HATE dogs tho and that's a fact. I don't like to hear their barking spoil my enjoyment of the sounds of nature and I don't appreciate the carding cards they leave behind in my yard. I don't appreciate them growling and barking at me in my own yard or on my own land.

If owners love them so damn much they best keep them off my property.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #28 on: May 18, 2009, 06:17:41 AM »
I was bitten and dragged under a car buy a German shepard mix when i was
4 years old. for some reason i never developed a fear of dogs.
Their are some dogs i never liked, or couldn't feel i could trust
Pits and Rots. being 2.
I was sitting in the front yard in the shade one day about 5-6 years ago,
up the street came an aniamal i thought was a dog but it was so thin, and no hair i wasn't sure, when it saw me it froze and acted like it was scared.
Well like an idiot i started feeding it, wormed it treated it for mange.
When i started this the vet said it weighed 24 lbs and was about 3 years old
and was a Pit bull, vet said he thought someone had tried to fight it by the scars
but it didn't have the attitude to fight. Things got a little out of hand and i
kinda got to liking this "BAD DOG" 4months later it weighed 86lbs. I tried to give him to everyone that saw him and he was friendly to everyone.
the city picked him up and i went and got him 3 times and paid his fine,
4th time i was out of town, they put him to sleep before i got to him.
Because he was a "BAD DOG" he changed my mind about breeds in General.

Texas is good for men and dogs, but it is hell on women and horses.

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #29 on: May 18, 2009, 07:11:58 AM »
I've had dogs my whole life. Never been afraid of them. Will watch a smaller dog over a bigger dog anytime. Seems like the smaller yappy dogs are more inclined to bite than the bigger ones. When a bigger dog barks, seems like his atitude is more like, hey come pet me than anything else. My rule of thumb for owning a dog is, if I have to bend over to pet them on the head, he's to small. I like big dogs. All of the dogs I've owned, sheperds and golden retrievers, seem to have a more laid back atitude than a smaller one. Like they don't have to prove anything. Like a bigger person. It's usually the small guy or dog that has what I call the Napoleon complex. Always has to prove something. Absoulutley, the one dog I would never own, is a Jack Russel terrier. Everyone I've ever been around,bark,bark bark, bark. I'ld rather own a cat, than a Jack Russel. In fact, at a Cleveland gun show years ago, the one request for a steel target I had to make, was for a Jack Russel silhouette. I gladly made it.  gypsyman
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman