Author Topic: scared of dogs!  (Read 2169 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2009, 12:12:30 PM »
There was a time when I was "out of dogs".. Lived on a dirt road about 5 miles from the closest (tiny) town. My farm neighbors ran into "bargain" dogs they could get for free..they were taking police K9 rejects. They were big, mean.. and the price was right. One neighbor told the other and soon 2 or 3 of them had the reject dogs.
  Problem was, they didn't keep them confined to their own farms. They would run up and down that dirt road and soon thought they owned it. At least enough to bite my 13 yr old son's arm badly as he put it up to protect his throat. The dog owner, my neighbor to the north was full of apologies and promises to pay "any doctor bills"..which they never did !
  Recalling my childhood days and the Airedales we had, I decided it was time we got back into Airedales. I didn't let any of my Airedales run loose...except when one of those ill-tempered shepherds came waltzing down the road..I may let one of the Airedales have a bit of sport.
  Soon, those dogs would go way out in the field opposite my place when to see their buddies. If one of them screwed up and came near, they may feel the fangs of my little 45 lb female. If they were large, or two of old "Bear" 65 lbs, was always up to the task.
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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2009, 12:29:15 PM »
I don't fear dogs , I respect them and expect the same from them and their owner . If they come around and act like they will hurt me or mine they get what they give. As far as someone being an SOB for killing a mans dog , The man who ownes the dog is an SOB if he can't keep his dog at home and under his control . If the dog gets out as far as i'm concerned the owner is at fault . You own him keep up with him , if you can't full time then you are the SOB that got him killed . Anyone who trains dogs knows they react not think . They learn behavior to get rewarded . The good trainers have learned to get the animal to pack with them . To expect a critter to think is crazy , to expect it to not try to protect the integrity of the pack is crazy . When not with the pack ( the trainer or the owner ) you don't know what a dog will react to or how .
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2009, 01:36:35 PM »
It takes a cowardly, sneaking SOB to poison a man’s dog!

Well to tell ya the truth, it's the owner of a bad dog that should be the one getting dead. Being law enforcment will investigate me whacking some scum bag more than me whacking  a dog I guess I'll stick to poisining the dog.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #33 on: May 18, 2009, 04:03:12 PM »
Used dogs like used cars have gotten me some lemons.     

Offline rockbilly

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #34 on: May 19, 2009, 09:04:41 AM »
I  continue to maintain dog is what man makes him.  I am willing to bet that each and every one of you that had/have dog problems results from an owner that does not pay attention to his animals, has not trained them, and lets them have their way.  A dog is a lot like a child, give him an inch and he will take a mile.  Correct him when he screws up and after a while you will break that problem.  This is true pretty much with all our domestic animals.  Every try to milk a cow that had not had the attitude adjustment?   Ever throw a saddle on a bronc that had not been riden a bit?

You can bet the farm that anyone that thginks they are having a dog problem actually has an owner problem.  I will admit there are a lot of feral dogs all over the country and they cause massive problems with livestock and game.  About a quarter of a mile from my place is a road side park, it is about 15 miles south of the city, an excellent spot to dump unwanted dogs for the scum that preferre to dispose of them that way, I have killed many dogs on my place chasing deer or cattle.  If the coyote dosen't kill and eat the dog he/she may interbreed with them, the off spring are usually more cunning and agressive that either of the parents.  We had one bunch that were a cross between a coyote and what appeared to be some type of sled dog, they were massive and would eat a man up.

As for being afraid of dogs I understand that, most of us have a fear of something, but don't blame the dog for something that displease you, blame the owner.

Offline Savage_99

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #35 on: May 20, 2009, 10:16:17 AM »
I just thought of pepper spray.   I don't even have any.   I am going to get some and carry it. 

Offline hunt-m-up

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #36 on: May 20, 2009, 11:13:09 AM »
I agree owners are 90% of the problem. Having said that, not much use for a dog that won't listen, chases/kills livestock, attacks people at random. Scared no, wary of them yes, no question who wins.
Don't need to poison the dog, take him for a ride in the country and take care of it.
People who drive their unwanted dogs out into rural areas and just turn them loose are real humane...
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Offline Skunk

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #37 on: May 20, 2009, 11:30:59 AM »
People who drive their unwanted dogs out into rural areas and just turn them loose are real humane...

I did that with my German Shepherd. I took her out to this remote area (large forest attached to equally large open fields). I looked her in the eyes and told her this would be for the best - for both of us. She seemed to understand and then nuzzled me in agreement. It was like she couldn't wait to get out. I just opened the door and turned her loose. Then, after about an hour, I'd holler, "load up!" and back she would come running and jump into into the truck. I felt it was a great way for her to get some good exercise. :D We did this a lot together and she really enjoyed her trips to the rural areas. ;) I know, pretty lame. ;D

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Offline hunt-m-up

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #38 on: May 20, 2009, 12:04:26 PM »
Skunk, you had me hanging on the edge of my seat... ::)
Crosman Slingshot, Daisy Red Ryder, dull butter knife

Offline Skunk

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2009, 12:10:03 PM »
Skunk, you had me hanging on the edge of my seat... ::)

Yeah, I guess the joke is on me with that one. ;D

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #40 on: May 20, 2009, 12:54:56 PM »
As a electrician I have delt with my share of dogs,I have to be in the house and in the back yard.
I usually do just find if I kneel down and call them and let them sniff my hand.I learned dont raise your voice.
Of course theres the ones that as mentioned were raised to be mean and you just cant get them to trust you .So I carry a spray bottle with deluted bleach water, usually one shot across the eyes and they continue to bark across the yard or they go lay down and wipe there eyes for awhile.But that lets me finish what I am doing with some peace.
Thank God for the woods and the critters that inhabit them

Offline jjas

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #41 on: May 22, 2009, 10:43:47 AM »
Here's a bit of news about pit bulls from today:

PITTSBURGH (May 22) - A pit bull owned by Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Harrison bit his 2-year-old son in the thigh, but the boy is expected to recover though he remained hospitalized Friday, the player's agent said.
Harrison's agent, William Parise, told The Associated Press that James III was bitten after his mother let the dog out of its pen Thursday afternoon. Parise wouldn't identify the woman, but said she and Harrison's massage therapist also were hurt trying to help his son. The massage therapist needed three stitches, Parise said.
Parise said Harrison was not home at the time, but was nearby and alerted after the dog attacked. Parise has not spoken to the boy's doctors, but Harrison told the agent his son likely will be hospitalized another day or two.
Parise said the boy's injuries were "serious but certainly not life-threatening. I think any time a child is injured and requires hospitalization, it's a serious thing. I know James was very concerned about his son."
Burt Lauten, spokesman for the Super Bowl champion Steelers said the team is "aware of this unfortunate situation. We express our concern for his family and hope that everyone involved makes a complete recovery."
A Franklin Park police officer warned neighbors "to keep our children inside because (Mr. Harrison's) dog had bit somebody," the neighbor told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
The dog was removed by an animal control agency.
A Franklin Park police spokeswoman on Friday said police are not commenting because the incident remains under investigation.
Parise said Harrison's son is at UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. A hospital spokesman said the family does not want information released.
Harrison lives about 15 miles north of the city.
Parise said Harrison has not had trouble with the animal in the past.
"I've been with that dog personally, he's a wonderful animal," Parise said.
Parise said he doesn't know why the boy's mother let the dog out of the pen, other than to say he believes it was for a routine reason such as feeding or to care for the animal. The boy's mother does not live at the house, Parise said.
"There's no reason to believe that this is anything other than something that sometimes happens to children," Parise said. "The child should be fine."

Where's Michael Vick when you need him?

Offline ironglow

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #42 on: May 25, 2009, 02:35:50 PM »
I agree owners are 90% of the problem. Having said that, not much use for a dog that won't listen, chases/kills livestock, attacks people at random. Scared no, wary of them yes, no question who wins.
Don't need to poison the dog, take him for a ride in the country and take care of it.
People who drive their unwanted dogs out into rural areas and just turn them loose are real humane...

  I hope you were only jesting when you said the humane thing to do was to just dump a dog off ! Not that simple, if the dog survives starvation it may join a pack..which is not humane for deer. Likely the dog will contract  worms or mange which is not a pleasant way to go. In some areas, heartworm is likely to get it first..don't see "humane" there either..
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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #43 on: May 25, 2009, 03:03:00 PM »
People who dump dogs should be shot! Kill your own dogs or take them in to be put down. When they dump them the dogs generally go feral. They have no fear of humans which makes them more dangerous than most wild animals. Enough of them pack up and are dangerous to human and livestock. I dont like to kill dogs but they are a real danger out here in the country.

Offline jtech

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #44 on: May 25, 2009, 04:19:40 PM »
I'm not scared of dogs and am around others dogs a bit. A dog is simply a tool that i don't need. I have more companoinship than I need and I don't need a alarm system. Everything we do or don't do brings added resposibility. Ive seen to many dogs snap, or was it humans didn't read there body language properly? Same result. I don't need the tool so I don't see any reason to take on the responsibility. Whoever said that dogs mens best friend  had it backwards. Ive owned dogs and we had dogs when I was growing up. Always did a lot more for them than we ever got back.

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #45 on: May 25, 2009, 04:36:25 PM »
Here's a bit of news about pit bulls from today:

PITTSBURGH (May 22) - A pit bull owned by Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Harrison bit his 2-year-old son in the thigh, but the boy is expected to recover though he remained hospitalized Friday, the player's agent said.
Harrison's agent, William Parise, told The Associated Press that James III was bitten after his mother let the dog out of its pen Thursday afternoon. Parise wouldn't identify the woman, but said she and Harrison's massage therapist also were hurt trying to help his son. The massage therapist needed three stitches, Parise said.
Parise said Harrison was not home at the time, but was nearby and alerted after the dog attacked. Parise has not spoken to the boy's doctors, but Harrison told the agent his son likely will be hospitalized another day or two.
Parise said the boy's injuries were "serious but certainly not life-threatening. I think any time a child is injured and requires hospitalization, it's a serious thing. I know James was very concerned about his son."
Burt Lauten, spokesman for the Super Bowl champion Steelers said the team is "aware of this unfortunate situation. We express our concern for his family and hope that everyone involved makes a complete recovery."
A Franklin Park police officer warned neighbors "to keep our children inside because (Mr. Harrison's) dog had bit somebody," the neighbor told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
The dog was removed by an animal control agency.
A Franklin Park police spokeswoman on Friday said police are not commenting because the incident remains under investigation.
Parise said Harrison's son is at UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. A hospital spokesman said the family does not want information released.
Harrison lives about 15 miles north of the city.
Parise said Harrison has not had trouble with the animal in the past.
"I've been with that dog personally, he's a wonderful animal," Parise said.
Parise said he doesn't know why the boy's mother let the dog out of the pen, other than to say he believes it was for a routine reason such as feeding or to care for the animal. The boy's mother does not live at the house, Parise said.
"There's no reason to believe that this is anything other than something that sometimes happens to children," Parise said. "The child should be fine."

Where's Michael Vick when you need him?

Better still, where's the daddy and his shotgun? Daddy should be horse whipped for keeping a pit bull on the same premises as his children. The only good pit bull, is a dead pit bull..  ;)
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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #46 on: May 25, 2009, 04:42:46 PM »
Hunt-m-up: I hope you were only jesting when you said the humane thing to do was to just dump a dog off!


I'm thinking he was indeed jesting and really meant that it was inhumane to just drop a dog off. That's how I took it anyway, since it is very inhumane to just drop a dog off in the woods and leave it.

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Offline hunt-m-up

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #47 on: May 25, 2009, 05:34:20 PM »
Hunt-m-up: I hope you were only jesting when you said the humane thing to do was to just dump a dog off!


I'm thinking he was indeed jesting and really meant that it was inhumane to just drop a dog off. That's how I took it anyway, since it is very inhumane to just drop a dog off in the woods and leave it.

Sorry for the misunderstanding Ironglow. My sarcasm got in the way on that one. I've never dumped a dog that ran more than a few yards...It is not humane to leave a pampered, domesticated animal to fend for themselves.
I grew up on a farm, the three S's were really only one S, no need for a shovel when you're in crop ground. We saw a lot of dogs dumped over the years. My dad was really pretty humane, they got a one week stay on death row in case someone came to claim them. Coincidentally, in our part of the world it is not the abandoned dogs that typically pack up, it's usually a few of the neighborhood farm dogs running together that cause problems.
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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #48 on: May 25, 2009, 06:29:31 PM »
The only good pit bull, is a dead pit bull..  ;)

couldn't agree more...


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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #49 on: May 25, 2009, 08:53:57 PM »
My Grand parents lived in a rural area of Tennessee when I was growing up.  People from Nashville were always dropping off dogs in the area.  Most were shot on sight, or the Pit Bulls at the barn got them.  The barn dogs did not tollerate strange dogs in their area.  Sometimes one would catch the old man's eye and he would decide to keep it to see how it worked out.  If it killed snakes around the house, and was a good companion for us kids it survived.  If it did not meet those requirements it disappeared.
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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #50 on: May 25, 2009, 11:06:45 PM »
Yeah when i read this title i figured this would be a fairly heated subject ....

 As a kid growing up we had a neighbor on my street give us a pit mix pup , great dog ... Bout like my mother's rotties that she raised years and years after this dog... Big lap dogs ready to lick you to death then bite you .. But dont even think of hurting their family ... Believe this a great trait for a dog , And Labs have that same mind set too..

 Our Pit liked to play in the big back yard and liked to try and play with the next door neighbors german sharpard and chow ... Those Rats poisond our dog while we were camping one summer weekend ... So NO I dont think just randomly dosing someone elses pet cause you dont like it , or "it might do something" as being even close to honorable , The word cowardly fits well ...

 If my animal messes up then take care of buisness before i get home and have to.  Thats understandable .. But under any other set of circumstances Messing with my pet is like messing with my kids .... And messing with my kids brings things no body wants done to them right to your door step , 'Nuff said on that..

 As for fear of mans best friend ?  Not really, like most others I respect the nature of any animal ... And use my wit to best obsurve and handle a situation before or after it gets going sideways on me and my own ... Been chased by them cycling in my teenage years and as a little kid , Bit a Dobi on the ear once that was trying to bite me ... Guess that is just me , But he never tried to bite anyone else for as long as i knew of the dog ... But like being shot by a gun might turn some people off to firearms ?   Not I said the Default , Still all good with my arms.. Same can apply to dogs .. everyone responsds different to their experiences .

 As for Dumping your dogs in the middle of BFE ... Thats not real cool , But hey some of them have turned out to be some of my best pets... Just know this ... Not everyone in the country is like me  , And that i see many of these animals dead on the side of the road ... Making dumping them off in a rural area not much better then bagging then up in a heffty and tossing them off a bridge... In both instances just seems to me to be the weak way out of taking care of your buisness.

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Offline ironglow

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Re: scared of dogs!
« Reply #51 on: May 25, 2009, 11:58:22 PM »
   Didn't figure you were serious..guess I just didn't catch on to the intended irony.. :D 

  Understood, I sometimes fall victim to my own hyperbole..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)