Unfortunatly the liberals think that everyone that does not think like they do is a sheep adn a right wing extremist in the same camp as the truely crazy anti government and black helicopter people. And not independant people that think government should answer to the people and be as small as possible to get the jobs done that private industry can not or will not do.
They look at us the same way we look at them. In that you gotta be kidding me you really are that stupid and think we can.....
I am still in an argument with one liberal over how he thinks the government is going to be able to tax it's self out of the problems we are in.

There should be a test on History,civics, and economics before you can vote with a score of 75% (C) and a score of 85% (B)before you can hold an ellected office.
We believe that the bill of rights goes past the fist for reasons or should stop just after the first clause. "Congress shall make no Law.." Everytime they do it restricts liberty, commerce, and freedom.
The economy would not be in the state it is in if the liberals and do gooders did not try to regulate the way you live through taxes and fees.
I once had a boss, a VP that was a liberal, I never understood him. As the Vice Pres of the company he was to maximise profits, as a liberal, profits are bad and taxes are good..... Shortly after I explained this to the president of the company he was fired. I don't think it was only my observation of the dicotemy of his belief and his job but I'll take credit. Oh well win one for the good guys.
The liberal idea is about freedom but all they want to do is restrict your chioces to the ones they agree with.
But I will get off of my stump.