Author Topic: whats your deer camp set up  (Read 1556 times)

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Offline burntmuch

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whats your deer camp set up
« on: May 23, 2009, 05:31:04 PM »
All right boys. Seasons along ways off. We need something to talk about other than Obama. So whats your favorate deer camp set up past & present. My brothers & Iused to go to Colorado for elk every couple years. Do it your self hunts. Backpack in for 10 days or so. Those were some good times. Well 3 kids put the stop to that. I got no money. So nowadays we try & spice up our deer camps. We ve canoed in to some areas & hunted. Had some real good hunts like that. This year for gun season we tented it for a couple days. This year we,re talking about doing a backpack ML hunt here in MIchigan. Just to add some adventure. Were thinkingthe Upper penisula. Snowshoe in, who knows. Im not ready to pay a guide just yet. Im40 y/o so I can still carry a backpack & do some walking. Whats your setups like?


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I dont care what gun Im using as long as Im hunting


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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2009, 06:17:12 PM »
My camp was until three years ago, an old leaning tree in a fence row between two large open fields on our farm with just me, my gun, and a thermos of coffee.
No matter how bad the weather was that is where you would find me.
I spent many a season leaning against that old tree and it always seemed to be the best spot on the farm!

Now in the same spot I have a nice 8'x8' building with a shingled roof and swing out windows for shooting out of that I built myself.
A Coleman drip coffee maker on a Coleman gas stove, two kerosene heaters, cans of soup and a pot to warm it in, a flat pan for cooking breakfast whenever I am not hunting alone.
A good supply of both gas and kerosene along with 4 or 5 gals of water for coffee.
Two small swivel office chairs and a 18"x8' counter top to eat and shoot off of.
Last year before season I built an addition on the side to park my 4 wheeler in to keep it dry and out of sight.

I guess I am just getting old.
I just can't take it like I use to.
Man times are getting tough!!! ;) :D ;D

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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2009, 07:49:23 PM »
About any where I can hunker down on the edge of a bean field or corn field that joins a few trees. I only hunt does now, so it dosn't take me long to fill my tags.

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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2009, 01:09:25 AM »
Any more, camp for me is more about getting together with some friends than the actual hunting.
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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2009, 02:45:32 AM »
  I remember hunting in east Texas growing up and staying in a motel in Teague, TX. We would get up around 4:30am and drive to the hunting area, walk for miles, lugging deer rifles, and get on the stands just before sunrise. Now that we have our own land it is much easier. We stay in our cabin on the property. We wake up around 6:30am, have some coffee, and walk about 100yds to the stands carrying a .357 revolver on a hip holster. Or we can walk about 1.5miles to the back of the property if we feel like hunting there, but the stands by the cabin work just fine  ;)

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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2009, 02:59:33 AM »
I'm confused!   ???  Are we talkin deer CAMP or deer STAND here?  Have we unwittingly discovered a difference in deer hunting colloquialisms!?   ???

Please clear that up for me.   :-[  I've got hours of "deer camp" fairy tales... uh, no, those were from my California trips...   ::) I mean "deer camp" stories!   ;D
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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2009, 03:30:07 AM »
Atlaw give us both. I was looking for deerCamp, But deer Stand set ups are good too ;D
I dont care what gun Im using as long as Im hunting

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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2009, 05:08:17 AM »
Going up tomorrow to build my "ground blind".  Longtom - How did you do the windows?
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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2009, 07:14:08 AM »
We don't rough it like we use to.
Hunting partners at camp

Family getting ready for Thanksgiving

Friends and Family around the fire

Good times

I was able to get on this time ???

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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2009, 09:48:07 AM »
More missing photobucket images. Only cupidfish has more missing images than photobucket. Why not try provided free by this website for your images.

I've never actually had a "deer camp". I've been to deer camps of others a few times and have even camped over night a couple times over the years for a night but really that's never been a part of my hunting. I've always lived within an easy short drive of my hunting area and have slept in my own bed at night and driven to the hunt then returned home at night again.

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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2009, 09:55:15 AM »
More missing photobucket images. Only cupidfish has more missing images than photobucket. Why not try provided free by this website for your images.

I've never actually had a "deer camp". I've been to deer camps of others a few times and have even camped over night a couple times over the years for a night but really that's never been a part of my hunting. I've always lived within an easy short drive of my hunting area and have slept in my own bed at night and driven to the hunt then returned home at night again.

I signed up for after the last time you mentioned it.
It never confirmed me and now I can not sign up again because my user name is now taken :'(
Can anyone else not see the pictures?
I can see them just fine.


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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2009, 09:58:55 AM »
Every year a group of freinds and I go to the Shawnee National Forest for 9 days. We set up tents in Ferne Clyffe State Park. We usually get two sites and have three tents and one of those covered carport things we use for a mess tent.

We bow hunt until opening day of firearm. I've been going on this for about 15 years now and we always have a really good time.

It's funny, I started going with a freind and his father right after high school and since then I have become very close to the father and can't stand the kid. He doesn't come around anymore so I guess that's okay.




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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2009, 10:03:01 AM »
I think Tim aka quickdtoo is the one who helps folks with problems on the photo server. Matt could also but contact Tim and he can likely get your account straighten out. As I recall you need to click a link in an e-mail the server sends you to confirm but Matt or Tim can manually confirm the account for you and get it working.

You are likely seeing them via cache on your computer. All I see is dead image.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2009, 10:05:39 AM »
I signed up for after the last time you mentioned it. It never confirmed me and now I can not sign up again because my user name is now taken :'( Can anyone else not see the pictures? I can see them just fine.

No, sorry GH, I can't see them either. Don't know what could have happened when you signed up at, it works great for me. I'd send a message off to Tim, he might be able to restore your user name and get you up and running.

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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2009, 10:10:35 AM »
Thanks Guys
I have not seen Tim on here for a few days
his he on vacation this weekend?


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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2009, 10:28:01 AM »
Yep, Tims the guy. I had a problem with my account at first and he fixed it right up.




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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2009, 10:30:51 AM »
My favorite is to take the deer to a butcher for processing, and spend the nights in a warm motel room. After sitting outside all day in cold weather these luxuries are wonderful.

But if that's not available, then any decent shelter with a kitchen and good heat will be very satisfactory for me.
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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2009, 10:36:07 AM »
I'm seeing them now GH! ;) Nice pictures.

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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2009, 10:38:53 AM »
We have a 12'x14' camp. A woodstove for heat/cooking, 3 bunkbeds, a table and chairs.
Nothing fancy but it works.


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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2009, 11:52:41 AM »
We tend to hunt 3 or 4 states each season, so the group of guys I hunt with use several campers.  I have a pop-up that is easy towing, has high ground clearence, and lots of room.  Its only downfall is it gets cool in really cold weather.

For years we used tents.  With the right gear (cots, heater, rain tarps, stoves, lanterns, ect..) you can be very comfortable.  A couple years I spent a month at a time in a 6 man tent in northern Maine for deer season.  Had an old  lazy boy recliner I brought up, and used to sleep on.  Between that, a small tent with a porti-potty in it, and a battery powered TV, I was as comfortable as being at home...

Personal opinion is a good thing, and everyone is entitled to one.  The hard part is separating informed opinion from someone who is just blowing hot air....

Offline nw_hunter

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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2009, 08:56:12 PM »
All right boys. Seasons along ways off. We need something to talk about other than Obama. So whats your favorate deer camp set up past & present. My brothers & Iused to go to Colorado for elk every couple years. Do it your self hunts. Backpack in for 10 days or so. Those were some good times. Well 3 kids put the stop to that. I got no money. So nowadays we try & spice up our deer camps. We ve canoed in to some areas & hunted. Had some real good hunts like that. This year for gun season we tented it for a couple days. This year we,re talking about doing a backpack ML hunt here in MIchigan. Just to add some adventure. Were thinkingthe Upper penisula. Snowshoe in, who knows. Im not ready to pay a guide just yet. Im40 y/o so I can still carry a backpack & do some walking. Whats your setups like?


I dont care what gun Im using as long as Im hunting 

I hunt public land and timber company land here in Southern Oregon.

Generally I don't camp during deer season, but usually do during Elk season.
Camp usually consists of two or three camp trailers, depending on the numbers  in our group.

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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2009, 11:53:11 PM »
Going up tomorrow to build my "ground blind".  Longtom - How did you do the windows?

The windows are simply the bottom half of a double hung standard window that I put two standard hinges on at the top so they hinge in ( I said they swing out but they swing in and up, the shutter or cover swings out ) with a small chain screwed to a roof rafter hanging down with a S hook on the end that will hook in the handle screwed to the inside of the window used to pull it open with.
The shutters is held open by a simple prop.

The second pic shows the chain (top middle above my head) with the hinges to the right of my head with the handle and latch to the right of my camo bag and again behind the chair.
The building is in the middle of the fence row so the windows on the right look out into a 100 acre field and the ones on the left look out at a 60 acre field.
All I have to do is roll the chair from side to side to watch each side of the fence row.
The field to the left gives shots to about 300yds and the field on the right can go as far as 505yds to the far side of the field.

Just below the swing out shutters in the top pic is where the new garage for my 4 wheeler is now.

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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #22 on: May 25, 2009, 03:28:59 AM »
Well, back in the day we'd camp on the property and, depending on the wx, sleep on the ground or in a tent, truck, camper or whatever else was handy.  The social gathering point was the campfire and someone, usually me, was the designated camp cook.

Hi-ebber, and day always be a hi-ebber, the older my hunting partners and I get the more we like our creature comforts.  And nowadays where we hunt is only a 15 minute drive from my pal's house, so ...  ;)

Our deer camp now consists of my old friend's garage/workshop.  Every August/September the cots are set up and it becomes our hunting home base until January/February, with a break until turkey season opens in March.  Complete with a shower, kitchen, color tv, hot tub and beer on tap!   ;D  The wimmins stay in the house and for the most part don't bother us... unless it's to bring us something special to eat/drink/make love to...  ::)

We have been known to venture back to civilization, a 60 ft walk through the portico/breezeway, usually to watch
NASCAR on a wide screen tv.   :P

It would really take some pictures to do it justice, but since my hard drive crash most are gone.   :(
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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2009, 06:11:23 AM »
When I take off for hunting season I normally have a plan A, B, and C. 
The plan A normally involves a tent camp.

Now days I setup a tent with a tarp anchored down as a fly over it to shade rain, snow, and the cold wind.  I have an army cot, with a mattress on for comfort and insulate.  Weather is always hard to predict at high elevation, but I plan on freezing temperatures at night.  I setup a second fly to protect the cooking and eating area.  For cooking I have large pre-WWII three burner Coleman Cabin Stove converted to propane.  It has a lot of cooking room, and the large cast iron burners produce a lot of btu’s at high elevation in freezing weather.
On occasion I take a generator and a few strings of clear Christmas lights.  They come in handy when skinning a deer or bear after dark.
I still have the old canvas wall tent.  It is a good all weather tent, and I use a fly over it if wet weather is predicted.  I have been out and 2-3 feet of snow and it has held up.  It has a floor in it and a center pole and support poles.  When the family was young we camped across Arizona and California in it. 
Here it is at my son’s and my antelope camp years ago.  A lot of good memories.

Plan C has a number of options; stay at a hunting partner’s house, or in a motel.  Eat at restaurants and pickup deli sandwiches for lunches.  As I grow older this is a popular option if the hunting area is within an hour’s drive.  When we go beyond the divided this is not a feasible option.

The plan B camp might be a backpack camp, without a tent, just a ground cloth, and sleeping bag.  Prepared for is the order of the day.  These camps normally do not last more the 48-hours.  From such a camp I shot a buck using my rolled up sleeping bag as a rest, within minutes of the start of the season.

A modified plan B is sleeping under the camper shell of my pickup.  I do not like the confinement by for a night or two it works if I have a good mattress under me. 

One first night camp I will remember until the day I go.  I did not get away on the day I planned, hit the road late, drove 450-miles and arrived on the mountain in the dark.  I was not in bad shape because I had stopped for fast food on the road.  Pulled into the over grown log landing I planned on setting up camp.  I pulled out a heavy 12x17 foot canvas tarp open it up and put my sleeping bag inside it.  I woke up at daylight and had a foot of snow on top of me.  During the night I had no clue; I was exhausted and slept soundly. 
There is a learning process to effectively using a gps.  Do not throw your compass and map away!

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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #24 on: May 25, 2009, 06:52:11 AM »
Three mobile homes set up in a "U" with a shelter in the middle.  A double skinning shed and a deer cooler made from a refer truck body.  The back of the skinning shelter is a shed that we can lock our 4-wheelers and lawnmower.

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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #25 on: May 25, 2009, 11:28:13 AM »
these pics are making me wishing for october. Dont take much to be comfortable at deer camp. Wouldnt feel right without at least one blue tarp flapping in the wind. First trip out west for me, we had a small dome tent & we put a camo tarp over it to help with the wind & rain. Well one night coming back from hunting from a mile or so away. Took me forever to find that thing. I know we passed within 80 yards of it. Me & my buddy about went to fighting. He thought I was on another mtn. Switched over to a blue tarp after that.

Siskiyou. those pics coulda came out of my photo albums
I dont care what gun Im using as long as Im hunting


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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #26 on: May 26, 2009, 03:47:07 AM »
these pics are making me wishing for october. Dont take much to be comfortable at deer camp. Wouldnt feel right without at least one blue tarp flapping in the wind. First trip out west for me, we had a small dome tent & we put a camo tarp over it to help with the wind & rain. Well one night coming back from hunting from a mile or so away. Took me forever to find that thing. I know we passed within 80 yards of it. Me & my buddy about went to fighting. He thought I was on another mtn. Switched over to a blue tarp after that.

Siskiyou. those pics coulda came out of my photo albums
That's funny. ;D

I had a similar situation with a camouflage shotgun. It took me 15 minutes to find it after I leaned it up against a tree to drag a deer out of a river. ::) ;D

We call those tarps over the tents potato chip bags cause that's what they sound like at night when you're trying to sleep.




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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #27 on: May 26, 2009, 04:00:56 AM »
That Toyoto LandCruiser of Siskiyou's sure brings back memories. I had a 71 hard top and wish I had kept it.

Not sure I could afford to drive it though! That 6cyl was a gas hog for sure, but built like a tank. :)
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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #28 on: May 26, 2009, 05:07:05 AM »
Usually stay in Motel for deer hunt.
Go to N.M. Elk hunting every other year, buddy has a baker tent.
sleep on ground with one of those pads that pufs up to about an
inch thick when you uncap it. Usually streach a tarp between a couple
of trees with table chairs underneath cook on wood fire, talk about
the good ole days. some times we even hunt.

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Re: whats your deer camp set up
« Reply #29 on: May 26, 2009, 05:40:17 AM »
Ours started as a small camp with two rough cabins ( about 10 x16 ft) that had been there for years.  Two bunk beds in one and three in the other.  We built a 16x16 screen porch on one of the cabins and it double as the cook site in rainy weather.   Over the years more members started switching from tents to travel trailers.   Now we have nine travel trailers plus the two original cabins and a third 16x 8 cabin currently being built.  Two of the guys with the trailers have set up satellite dishes so we can all watch the college foot ball games when were not in the field. 

Our old handpump well was converted to an electrical pump by one member.  A little bit of propane can make the cold well water heat up for the showers.   It is all quite livable.  our hunting lease is about 8000 acres and you need to drive down a dirt road from camp on an ATV or 4 wheel drive truck to get to where you are going.   The furthest boundary is about 6 miles from camp. 
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