The world was designed for short people. How often do short people bang their head getting on a city bus, train, going through a door, getting into a van, truck, or car? How often do you not have the room between the clutch and steering wheel to get your foot on the pedals? How many times has a short person walked into a friends house and been hit up side the head with a ceiling fan blade, or go to stretch out on a bed and have your feet hang out over the end of the bed? Airplanes, now those things are made for real short people. Went to fly out to a village last week on a turbo prop plane. I had to get down on my hands and knees to get into the plane, and to my seat. Then I had to sit with my head held off to one side the entire flight. Talk about a pain in the neck, literally! I had to modify my old Cessna 150 to even be able to fit into the seat and sit up straight. I flat don't fit in my partners T-Craft. Had to have a bubble canopy made to fly my Father-in-laws experimental. Now there was a short dude, 5'4", belly gunner on a B-17 during WWII.
Some of us tall people hate being tall, we want to be average!
Sorry I'm a sore head, but I got a sore head. Wife asked me to get something from the storage shed. The door is only six feet high, I'm 6'2".