i use to be way more fan, than i am now.. waltrip ,mc renolds[ i think]
an hammond..they do great color.. no better in my opinion than jarred an parsens did though..my problem withum is big money gottem scheduling a race here in carolina in spring,at night.. now i live here ..the percentages pretty bad for gettin races in without any rain here,now..an race for 2 weeks yet....ive seen it dry ,this time of year , but this the time of year when warm air runnin smack into colder air.. condensation i believes the name for it..at least on my air condition..i ll be corrected on this ,if im wrong ,i hope.. main thing is i still like it but
huge money seems to make changes ,that are not always for the good. slim
bruton smith gotta get some moneys worth outa his lights ,i guess

.. now hes a ----- with clout.. those live here saw what he did recently in cabarras county.. a -----.. dang mabe two kinds a fool is what it takes to sling an accuzation like that ,at the most powerful man in racing an carolina.. i deleted part o what i said ,to protect the forum.. this dude is powerful..but yall know what gets me riled worse than anything,if you have read my post some..