Started smoking when I was 16, and worked in a restaurant. Smoked Kool Milds. Busboys and waitress's kept buming smokes, as the owner didn't want me to put them in my shirt pocket, as it looked bad. So I put them on a shelf in the back room. Didn't take 2 weeks of that, and switched over to Camel non-filters. Even my dad, who smoked Pall Mall's, didn't want to bum any of them. Smoked them into my mid 30's, then switched over to cigars. After I got married, my wife, who smoked cigarette's, since we decided to have children, both of us quit.
I do believe, since for many years I smoked cigars, I very seldom inhaled, it made it easier for me to quit. I don't have any urge to smoke a cigarette, but when I smell a cigar, it makes my nose twitch.
When we got married, my wife and I, for our honeymoon, took Amtrak across country. They had a smoking car. So on the first day, after breakfast, both of us headed up to the smoking car. We weren't there 5 minute's, when a porter came by, and told me I had to put out the cigar. I thought he was being funny. Nope. Somebody had complained. I laughed, looked around at everybody smoking cigarette's, put out my stoggie, and left. Didn't need the audacity. gypsyman