This puts the federal government in competition with private enterprise. Very double plus ungood.
Will we see the auto industry taxed and regulated to the point that they are forced to close their doors while GM is subsidized and required to produce an American Yugo?
By subsidized Chilachuck, do you mean that HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL U.S. Postal Service I spoke of, or that EQUALLY SUCCESSFUL AmTrac operation, OR PERHAPS YOU MEAN, all those FARM SUBSIDIES that have been thrown out by the billions for years. You know, those poor ole farmers that have IN GROUND SWIMMING POOLS, European vacations, and "KING RANCH EDITION FARM TRUCKS" WITH LEATHER ENTERIOR.
The farmer is REGULATED to what he can and cannot plant, what he can and cannot hold for seed, BUT! The subsidy checks are good, and HE HABITUALLY VOTES DEMOCRAT! I have had several tell me, that THE DEMOCRAT TREATS THE FARMER BETTER than the Republican.
Now before some of you blast me for the farmer analogy, I know LOTS OF FARMERS, from all over Texas and SOME DON'T VOTE DEMOCRAT, BUT! Most do. Just stand outside the polling places and watch which book they sign, and drink coffee with them at the cafe. ITS' CALLED "SELF INTEREST".