Got a new Sentry gun safe a few days ago and the thing was packed well and looked great out of the box. Then I opened the safe up!!

There is this HORRIBLE AND I DO MEAN HORRIBLE !!! SMELL THAT IS POURING OUT FROM INSIDE THE SAFE!! So, I opened the windows and let a fan run for 2 days now and still it stinks !! Tried Frabreeze and baking soda but that is no good. I closed the door in the room where it is in and cannot go in there without getting a headache from the smell . The whole room REAKS FROM A CHEMICAL SMELL FROM THE SAFE!!
I called the Sentry Safe company up yesterday and told them the problem. They said to send it back . They knew right away what it was!! They said that the glue they use to glue the carpet into the safe sometimes does not set and there is nothing you can do with it. They then said to give it another couple of days to see if that was really the problem.
This morning, I opened the door to the room and almost immeadiatly got a headache from the oder. So, I opened all the windows and had the fan running full blast. That helped some, but tonight I closed up the safe and the windows because of the rain. The smeel came right back.