It was a subtle thing, more what was not printed than what was.
None of the three mentioned the laws being argued back in 1968, 1986, or 1994. None said "we have to stand together to protect our rights".
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
-Martin Luther King Jr.-
Even worse, Zumbo, an editor for Outdoor Life, came out in support of the 94 gun ban and for reimposing that gun ban, as he thought the only guns we should own were the ones that could be used for hunting, and these "assault weapons" were not useful for hunting. He only "reconsidered" when people blew up and convinced him that people actually did use them for hunting. He never did accept that the 2ndA meant the people should be able to fight against government tyranny.
The biggest example of the need for the 2ndA is Philadelphia during the last P election. Black Panthers blocked the doors to a polling station, and the cops did nothing. In fact, the charges that were eventually filed were dropped last week. Watch the next election. We have Brown Shirts in the early stages of formation, that's when civilians can act if the cops don't.