Author Topic: Top 10 Ways to Know You're Living in a Medical Police State  (Read 445 times)

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FYI... from a group of Natural health people and what they're thinking............TM7
Top 10 Ways to Know You're Living in a Medical Police State
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
Key concepts: Medical police state, Chemotherapy and Cancer 
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(NaturalNews) Are Americans really living in a medical police state? The recent news with Daniel Hauser and his family's fight over chemotherapy seems to indicate so. Here are ten ways to recognize whether you're living under the oppressive tyranny of a medical police state.

#1 - If an armed U.S. Marshall is posted outside your house at night -- just to make sure you don't escape "treatment" -- you're probably living in a medical police state.

Source: "Daniel was allowed to spend the night at home, but County Attorney James Olson said a deputy was posted at the Hauser farm in Sleepy Eye." (FoxNews)

#2 - If saying "I'd rather not inject my child with that poison" to your doctor results in him calling Child Protective Services, you're most likely living in a medical police state.

#3 - If a nationwide manhunt (involving FBI agents) is unleashed just to find you and drag you back to the hospital to submit to dangerous pharmaceuticals, there's little doubt you're living in a medical police state.

#4 - If you find yourself suddenly wondering if you should flee to Mexico in order to find freedom, you're probably living in a medical police state.

#5 - If doctors call the police to prevent you from visiting competing cancer clinics outside the country, that's a warning sign that you're living in a medical police state.

#6 - If your doctor claims to be practicing "integrative medicine" but then calls the police when you don't submit to chemotherapy, you're definitely living in a medical police state.

Quote from Daniel Hauser's oncologist, Dr. Bostrom: "Although I've had patients concerned about getting chemo, this is the first time I've ever had to report someone." Source:

#7 - If you're blasted by the mainstream media for supporting a mother's right to protect her teenage son from an injection of toxic chemicals, you're almost certainly living in a medical police state (populated by sheeple).

#8 - If you walk into a hospital and they handcuff you, steal your child and forcibly inject him with dangerous poisons while explaining, "It's for your own good," then you're almost certainly living in a medical police state.

#9 - If the State calls you "medically negligent" for feeding your child raw foods, or medicinal herbs, or holistic diets that are free from sugar, red meat and chemical additives, then you're definitely living in a medical police state. (Fact: Parents who feed their children diets of raw, living foods have been accused of medical neglect.)

#10 - If you disagree with your psychiatrist, and in response he diagnosis you with "Oppositional Defiance Disorder" and demands you take his mind-altering psych drugs, you are absolutely living in a medical police state!

Seven ways to free yourself from a medical police state (satire)

1) Bring your lawyer with you for each visit to the doctor, and bill your doctor for the time your lawyer spends in the waiting room.

2) Practice medical tourism and visit Thailand, Mexico, the Bahamas or other countries where real medicine remains legal.

3) Bring a fake prosthetic arm with you when you visit the doctor, and offer it up for any injections (acting like it's yours, of course). Be sure to fake a wince when they insert the catheter.

4) Before you visit the doctor, go to his house and kidnap his dog. Bring it to his clinic with you, and if the doctor insists on calling law enforcement to have your child kidnapped, offer to swap his dog for ransom.

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Re: Top 10 Ways to Know You're Living in a Medical Police State
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2009, 12:35:04 PM »

Where the hell can I volunteer to get in this line?

#10 - If you disagree with your psychiatrist, and in response he diagnosis you with "Oppositional Defiance Disorder" and demands you take his mind-altering psych drugs, you are absolutely living in a medical police state!

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Re: Top 10 Ways to Know You're Living in a Medical Police State
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2009, 04:43:45 AM »
TM7, I'm not sure about the way BHO wants to pay for all that "free medical"
 Here in Canuck Land the individual Provinces have different ways to finance the National( Feds) laws in regard to this as long as they provide the services stipulated.
In some cases it gets paid out of the general funds, others are billed seperate as in British Columbia thru a Crown Corp.( used to be $100 for a couple/month) Ontario levels a surcharge on your Income tax depending on your Income. 
What is the point of Life if you can't have fun.

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Re: Top 10 Ways to Know You're Living in a Medical Police State
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2009, 02:17:24 AM »
We do have a shortage of Doctors( GP's) in a number of smaller towns were you need to go to a "walk in clinic" Our family MD has something like 1200 patients on his list. The Govt pays him $ 26 per visit.  As far as I know nobody died in front of a Canadian hospital because they were refused treatment for financial reasons. 'Nuf said on that subject. Could it be better, of course but I'm not bitchin'!Nova Scotian's pay for their medical plan thru the general funds.
What is the point of Life if you can't have fun.