When I joined the club I'm still with, almost 35 years ago, we were pretty much in the country. We have 200 yds., and a 30 ft. high dirt hill on the back of the property. So I would pull my truck up on one side or the other of the shooting benchs, to block the wind. The pick ups I had, always had a cap on them, so sometime's if it started to rain, and I was practicing for a silhouette match, I would lay down in the back of the truck. (make sure if you do this, ear plugs AND ear muffs are essential!)
We had house's built up over the years around the club, so we civilized and built bunkers and a shooting platform. So now if the wind is blowing all you can do is hunker down as close to one of the baffles between shooing positions. 'Course, if your shooting bullseye, your screwed. gypsyman