A Southern Indian Tale
Most pecan seedlings comeing up in the burn fields are Sweet Pecans. The Jay's and Crows carry Sweet Pecans to hide. In the falls that they carry bitter pecans it will be a hard winter. If all of the White Oak acorns are gone early and the Jay has carried Bitter Pecans you have to store 7 weights of a man in Red Oak acorns rather than 5 weights of a man of White Oak acorns. Take care of your Sacred Trees.
Be sure you have taken care of your root garden for when the Jays carry Bitter Pecans. Gather more good flowers to dry. If the Persimmons are gone early the deer will eat the Honey Locust pods. Don't kill too many deer or the next winter will be hard. Dry more fish and animals of the creek bank.
If the traders talk of the crows carrying bitter seeds in the north where the winters are always hard you must have enough food to trade or enoungh arrows to fight.
When the Jays carry Bitter Pecans it will be a dangerous winter.