Last fall I made and tried a new tool for setting Grizz traps. A guy that my son works with has a couple Griz and has a hard time setting them. He ask me one day if I knew of any setting tools for them. I did ask around some and heard that there are, or is, a tool out there, but I can't say that I seen one?? So then I got to looking at the trap and how I set them myself.
That got the gears turning in my head as can so often happen with me. I then dug in my pile of metal objects in the garage and scrounged a couple things. Few minutes in the shop with hack saw, welder, grinder and I had a new tool.
I used it all last fall on my coon line and it works very well, except when you lay it down and leave it behind. That is why I made 3 to start with, so I could finish a day and start the next with at least one tool :-)
I ended the season with all three tools having been used, none lost and their still in my gear.
I never did give or sell one of them to the guy my son works with and he never mentioned it again.
Now I'd post a pic but don't want everyone seeing what I've made. I haven't decide if I want to keep the idea for myself or pass it to someone like Tom to make and sell. Some times simple things/low value, like my tool tend to flood the market quickly.
It's strong, simple and works great! any one who owns a Grizz could use one.
So anyway I made and tried something new.